Chapter 8 -The Snare

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Alpha Conference

Three months prior

Tracy's POV

Watching all those powerful men stepping out of their big expensive cars is making me drool. I don't know what it is about all that power emanating from an Alpha that does me this way. I feel like a kid in a candy store. Which flavor shall I sample today? And I sure do sample, any time I get the chance. I throw my head back and laugh as my sister Veronica approaches.

"I can read your mind, you know." Veronica says. "You better behave yourself.  You are on shaky ground with the Alpha. I don't think you will get away with your conniving this time."

"Whatever could you mean?" I smirked at her innocently. "If my plan works, Alpha won't have power over me any longer. I'll be gone. One of those luscious specimens is my ticket out."

Giggling, I watch as yet another expensive car pulls away after depositing another delicious Alpha on the doorstep of the pack house.

"I know you've got a plan up your sleeve." Veronica sighs. "Have you picked a sucker?"

"Yep." I reply, popping the P. "The one who is stupid enough to leave his drink open long enough for me to add this potion." I wiggle the little bottle in my hand in her face, laughing. "I am getting out of here and one of those pushovers is my ticket." I reply gesturing toward the pack house.

"Tracy, you can't do someone else like that. You almost got yourself caught last time you tried to interfere with a mate bond." Veronica sagged. "If anyone had proof, you would have been exiled. Everyone knows it was you!"

"Don't worry, Ronnie. I have grandmother's grimoire. She was a powerful witch. I know I have little power and even less experience, but I am only trying to secure my future." I grin. "With my potions and this wolf babe in my womb, I can't fail this time. No one will be the wiser."

Veronica rolls her eyes. "I wouldn't be too sure. Alpha still has you on probation. What are you going to do about the father of that child you carry?"

"The Alpha will be happy to be rid of me and the father was a one night stand." I snap. "Look, if it makes you feel any better, I will study my targets and narrow it down. I'll try to find an unmated Alpha."

"What if there isn't one?"

I shrug my shoulders. "Then a unlucky one will do."


Tracy's POV

Thankfully, my job within the pack as an administrative assistant allows me to not only be able to view each Alpha's registration package, but I get to be up close and personal. I run errands, fetch items, arrange meals, snacks and refreshments, assist with room preparation, entertainments and basically anything these guests need, I am on the team to provide. ...walk into my parlor, said the spider to the fly.

In order to disguise my pregnancy, I prepared a simple potion to drink every morning.    Prepared from a harmless mix of herbs. It is imperative that no one knows of my pregnancy until I have baited my trap and snared my prey.

We have a total of 25 Alphas attending from various packs. Not one ended up being unmated. Therefore, I decided to show a little mercy and cross off the ones with children. Aren't I so generous? I can barely contain my delight. I have narrowed it down to four Alphas. Of course, they are all under 35.

So, why did I ultimately choose him? He had a sweetness about him. He was the youngest, of course, at 23. At first, it was a challenge. He wouldn't even pay me any attention. None at all. Every other Alpha at least acknowledged my beauty, a few even showed interest or a mild flirtation. I, however, reveled in the seduction of Alpha Jenson Black.

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