Awkward Introductions

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Gee were they handsome. 

You were met with 7 extremely attractive princes standing in a straight line looking all proper and prim with velvet suits and ruffle collars. You shyly looked down, embarrassed of your casual outfit.

"This is Princess Y/N, she will be staying here for a few months as you already know." 

Some nodded their heads, a few looked annoyed and one didn't even look up from the ground. The driver began introducing all of them to you.

"This is Prince Jin soon to be King Jin." Jin smiled but cringed at the title. He shook your hand."It's a pleasure princess." You blushed at how handsome he was.

"Next in line is Prince Yoongi, who is Jin's younger brother." He only stared at you. Until Jin elbowed him and he growled. He shook your hand slowly, then retracted and continued to observe you. 

This guy gave you the creeps.

"Then there's Prince Hoseok a prince from a neighboring kingdom." Hoseok beamed and took your hand in his, shaking it vigorously.

"So excited to get to know you princess!" You chuckled at how enthusiastic he was.

"Here we have Prince Namjoon, cousin of Jin and Yoongi, soon to be king of his kingdom." This one stared at you, well almost like glared at you. And you couldn't help but shiver as his firm hand squeezed yours.

"I look forward to teaching you princess," he said in between gritted teeth. You gulped.

"And of course we have the pretentious Prince Jimin, brother to Prince Namjoon." He winked at you and smirked.

"The honor is all mine princess," he kissed your hand lustfully. You blushed.

"There is also Prince Taehyung who also comes from a neighboring kingdom." Taehyung shook your hand with his right and held your hand with his left.

"Very nice to meet you, I think we're going to have a lot of fun together." You smiled.

"And last but not least we have the youngest, Prince Jungkook brother of Prince Taehyung." Jungkook continued to have his eyes glued to the ground, as he gently and quickly shook your hand. 

He whispered a small 'nice to meet you' and went to stand back in line playing with his fingers. 

What's up with him? you tilted your head confused. 

"Well now that you've all been introduced, please take care of our princess your highness's." They all somewhat shook their heads and grunted in agreement.

"Wait, you're leaving?" Your eyes widened. The butler simply nodded his head. You gasped.

"Alone! With them?!" You whisper shouted and you could hear some of them laugh and scoff.

"Yes, you'll be quite all right. They'll teach you about how to be a proper princess and your stepmother will come and visit to see your progress in a few months."

"A few months?!" And with that he gave you a small thumbs up and left without another word. 

You turned around to see 7 pairs of eyes staring into your soul. You let out an awkward laugh.

"Um, so..." You looked down and played with you fingers. Jin chuckled and walked up to you.

"Follow me, I'll take you to where you'll be staying." You let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay." You followed and the rest gazed upon you as you walked away.

Jin led you to a beautiful, spacious bedroom. Your mouth was ajar at how fancy it was! Jin seemed to notice because you heard him chuckle. You blushed then rubbed a hand behind your neck sheepishly.

"Sorry, I've just never seen something like this before." Jin shook his head.

"No need to apologize. I like the change of pace, most people would have a sour face and comment that this bedroom isn't big enough." Your eyes widened.

"There's such thing as a bedroom bigger than this one?" He laughed again.

"Indeed there is, mine is far larger than this," he smiled. "I could show you sometime. Perhaps a tour should be arranged?" You nodded your head with a grin.

"That sounds wonderful," you replied and he nodded curtly. 

You stood their awkwardly, you honestly wanted to make sure you remembered his name right. You were horrible with names and he was the first one that you were introduced to, so his name came and went. You cleared your throat.

"So, you're Jin, right?" That'd be so embarrassing if it wasn't, you rubbed a hand behind your neck. He grinned.

"Indeed," he bowed. "I'm Kim Seokjin. At your service." Your eyes widened.

"At my service? But you're going to be king, shouldn't it be the other way around?" He chuckled and shook his head.

"No, you're our guest," he walked closer to you. "And I want to make sure you have a wonderful time here, regardless of our uncomfortable circumstances." He chuckled. You blushed but smiled.

"Thank you," you grinned. He smiled then walked towards the ridiculously large door and bowed.

"Well I'll leave you to it, princess. Dinner is held at 5 pm every evening. We would love to see you there tonight," he grinned.

"I'll be there," you smiled and awkwardly bowed in return. He chuckled and left.

As soon as he did, you let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding. You still couldn't fathom what was happening to you. You took a deep breath, you had to remain calm. Panicking won't help you at all, you frowned. 

All you could do was listen to your instructors like the driver said and you'd be back with your stepmother and your father again. You smiled just thinking about them, you missed them. But you guessed this was just a small thing you had to do to repay them for your life full joy and comfort. 

You could do it, you believed in yourself and trusted in your abilities to get through the next few months. 

The only thing you couldn't trust, was the seven princes that occupied this castle. 

You sighed, this is gonna be rough.

To be continued....

Author's Note

Sorry about the short chapters, only for the first couple of ones to lay down the ground work of the story hehe

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