Chapter 4

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Ashlyn screamed and fell backwards.

It all happened so fast and the creature was gone.

"Where did it go?" I asked.

"I don't see it anywhere." Logan trembled.

"What was it?" Taylor asked.

"One of those ghost maybe?" Aiden suggested.

Ben was jotting in his notebook like he wasn't concerned for what just happened.

"Are you guys dumb?" Tyler asked. "Ghost aren't real. This is just some stupid prank."

"A prank?" Taylor questioned.

"Obviously. A group conveniently cancels a reservation and our guide just happens to have an excuse to leave? Then when we're all alone in a 'Haunted' house we have a scary encounter. Immediately after said 'scary encounter' the thing just disappears before we can confirm or touch it?" Tyler continued. "Yeah right. This is definitely a set up for some sort of reaction video to make money. They probably have cameras and a projector hidden somewhere."

"Screw you and your idiotic video! For the record, you don't have permission to use our reactions!" Tyler yelled. "C'mon Tay. We're going back to the bus." Tyler dragged Taylor out.


We were at the motel and I was sitting on the couch with Taylor and one of her other friends as they played cards and I was on my phone.

Ashlyn passed by.

"Ah Ashlyn! Wanna play?' Taylor asked.

"No you guys go ahead; I'm getting ready to go to bed." Ashlyn walked into the room.

"I doubt she's actually going to bed." Taylor's friend said.

"She's just a shy person." I replied staring at my phone.

"Maybe. I've never seen her talking to anyone at school. Is she bad at socializing or does she just hate it." Her friend added.

"Ha, I win." Taylor's friend said.

"Again?!" Taylor yelled.

Taylor and her friend's game went by quick and they both went to their rooms. I decided I was gonna sleep on the couch, I didn't feel like sleeping in the same bed with someone I didn't even know the name of.

I thought about the creature from today, I was just a few feet away from it and I stood there and did absolutely nothing about it.

I tried not to think about the creature before falling asleep.

I heard a crash from Taylor and Ashlyn's room, I ran in to see what happened and I saw Ashlyn on the floor and Taylor coming to her aid, I walked over to them.

"Y'all good?" I asked.

"Yeah, I can get up but I might need some band-" Ashlyn lifted the blanket and we saw the creature smiling as it held Ashlyn's leg.

We all screamed. Ashlyn kicked the creature in the face and we all got up shivering in fear.

"I-Isn't that the thing from the Sorrel Weed House place?" Taylor quivered.

Heartless | Oc x Tylerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن