[Chapter 2] Plaything

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Heyo, just as a clarification (since it's kinda hard to tell with all the words down there and the fact that I literally never mention it lol) that it's been two years since Dazai left now (and the moment when the plot starts) and the reason why is because I got lazy but also because it's the most logical choice after having established two major pillars of the story, so yeah.

Another mission. You stare at the paper in your hand, skimming over the general instructions and what you had to do. Capture the weretiger, blah blah. You skim over the useless information, your gaze halting at the name of your partner. Higuchi. 

You shrug, the mission would be nothing of significance. No killing, no large scale invasion or takedown, just be dramatic and present a show. That's it.

You look up, glancing towards your mission partner, Higuchi, who was reading over the papers. You get up, walking towards her and gently place your hand on her shoulder.

"Hi, guess you're my partner for today's mission!" You smile brightly, the happy mask slipping onto your face almost instantly as you make your way over to her desk to interact with her.

"Oh, L/N-san. Pleasure to be working with you.* She replies politely, tensing slightly at your touch. You notice this, immediately removing your hand from her shoulder.

'Shit I forgot to put my gloves on...' you scold yourself, whatever spark of conversation or discussion dying out immediately. 

"Alright, let's get going...!" You continue awkwardly, waving at Chuuya, who was working from across the room as you walk out the building. The redhead looks up, his gaze softening at the sight of you, waving back (well, shooing you away I guess) and turning his attention back to his work.

Alright, time to capture a tiger.


You dangle your legs off a building a few meters away from the spot Higuchi had planned to lead the ADA members to. You let out a deep sigh as you stare up at the bright blue sky, the sun shining down on the bustling Yokohama streets.

You know you should probably be more focused on Higuchi and the mission, but you can't help it as you stare at the fluffy clouds that drift by lazily.

'Dazai would've loved this.' You think to yourself, reminiscing to all the times he'd dragged you onto the Port Mafia roof top just to watch the sun rise and set as well as to stare at the stars and look down at the streets.

That bright smile he always seemed to carry as a shield to hide away his real feelings. You never broke those walls down, he'd left before you had the chance to fully do so.

But even so... he treated you differently.

He wasn't as cold, a little more cheerful. You hoped you gotten to him somehow, that he was at least happy now. Or that he was at least happy when he was around you...

But that's wishful thinking. Why would he be any different when around you? What made you unlike the others? You weren't deserving of his attention, you killed-


"I zoned out again..." You observe, jumping slightly in surprise at the walkie-talkie buzzing.

"L/N-san, I have them. As planned." Higuchi informs you as muffled, surprised screeches ring in the background.

"Alrighty, I'll be there in five minutes. Don't die until then!" You reply cheerily, pocketing the walkie again before you get up, dusting the dirt off your pants as you get ready to head over.

This'll be a long day... you sigh to yourself mentally as you start sprinting across the rooftops like a maniac at a speed only Chūya could rival as you make sure you don't trip over something. Not looking to plummet to your doom today, not yet, anyways.

Not until you see that bandaged idiot one more time.


You arrive at the perfect moment. 

Higuchi was being strangled aggressively by a ginger whom you assumed was the Tanizaki boy based on reports the blonde had dug through beforehand.

"I told you to try not to die." You scold her as you swing your leg at the boy, kicking him towards the brick wall. His eyes widen at the sudden attack, his grip loosening on Higuchi's neck, letting her go. He slams into the wall, his eyes rolling back as he passes out from the force of the hit.

You barely wince at the state your attack had gotten him in, the all too familiar crimson liquid streaming down the back of his head as he slumps to the ground.

"Oof, sorry." You apologize to the unconscious boy, walking over and picking him up, setting him down somewhere where he wouldn't get hurt any further. Despite having done this for years now, you were still rather merciful compared to the others.

It was a characteristic Chūya had nagged you for many times in the past.

Higuchi shoots you a confused glance as you express regret to the passed out opponent, but decides not to question it.

"Alrighty, since you did your part, I think you can take a break now." You pat the blonde on the shoulder before turning your attention to the last one standing: a white haired boy. Around your age, maybe a little younger. You stare at him, noting down everything about him from how he looked all the way down to his body language. 

Widened eyes, his body quivering, sweating profusely...

You frown at the sight. He's most likely new to this whole thing, it felt wrong for him to be involved in any of the bullshit he'd gotten into.

Was this really who Port Mafia wanted? He looked inexperienced, and most likely wouldn't be of much use after having been sold. You wave off Higuchi, gesturing for her to stay out of the way.

"Ability: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream." You sigh, holding your hand out and watching as black streamers of light floated around you, dark tendrils shooting out of your fingers and hurtling towards him, missing him by mere millimetres. 

The boy stumbles backwards, falling to the ground with a gentle thud, his eyes wide.

"Obviously, I missed that on purpose. Everyone gets a fair chance at this." You shrug, staring down at him. Even at this stage, his ability is powerful, and he could still stand a chance in the battle field. 

Not against you, that you could tell, but enough to be a hassle for any ordinary Port Mafia members.

"Run... Atsushi-kun." You turn to the speaker, the ginger which you thought you'd knocked out. You click your tongue in mild annoyance. So he's conscious. Won't be able to put up a fight though, so might as well leave him alone.

You turn around, the corners of your eyes quirking upwards into a smirk as you watch him charge towards you. Either this was an attack or he's aiming for something behind or near me. Your eyes rake over your surroundings.

There, Higuchi's gun.

You sidestep, sweeping your leg towards the metallic weapon, kicking it out of the way, your smirk widening as the weretig - sorry, Atsushi's - eyes widen further.

How'd you seen through that?

"A fool's last stand, really. Sorry kid, but you ain't good at this." You taunt, mockingly patting his head. "But don't worry, I'm sure you'll have plenty of chances to improve."

The tendrils that you'd use to taunt him preciously shoot out of your index again, attaching to his chest. You pull, making him stumble forward.

"Now, don't mind me showing off a little, hm?" You whisper into his ear, more of the same tendrils attaching themselves to his limbs.

"May the fun begin."

I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream - With a single touch, the user can control anyone's bodies to their will, playing with their genetics, manipulating their thoughts and destroying their physical traits all come packaged in this terrifying ability.

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