𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒: 13

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13 years old
A year.

It's been a year since I was last able to hug him.

It's been a year since I was last able to hear his voice and not over some speaker that modifies it just the smallest bit where only I can tell.

I pick up the small framed picture of us with towering ice cream cones that seem to liquify under the sun's gaze. We smile as smears of colored cream line our lips.

I want to go back.

Just for a moment if possible. Anything to be near him. To feel true happiness again.

Also to feel loved again.

I never really noticed I guess but, I have feelings for him. Not just friendly feelings but feelings that make me want to be more than just one of his friends. These feelings make me want him to introduce me to people in a different way.

They are too complicated to ever tell though. Especially not on some video call. Besides, he might not even feel the same and now I'm the fool who's heart overtook her smarts.

I'm snapped out of my complex monotone thoughts as my ringtone brings to life my quiet room. I pick it up swiftly, not wanting the person on the other side to wait too long, and it's him.

Thanks Aussie, perfect timing.

"Hello!" His voice beams as soon as I pick up the call.

"Hi! You sound extra peppy. Has the higher altitude gotten to your head finally?" I shift in my bed and prop my phone up so he has a better view of me and not some unflattering image of me looking like I gained four chins.

"Haha very funny Mona," he says in a very flat tone before he perks up again, "I have some news which I think your gonna wanna hear but you're not gonna be able to hear it over all that snark soooo."

"Okay okay im all ears." I give him a smile and shift a bit. This news better be good cause I'm tired of having to deal with any bad news involving him.

"Can I get a drumroll ma'am?"

I roll my eyes and chuckle, "Oh my god Austin just say ittttt!" I start making a drumming noise with my hands against my nightstand knowing that it will be required for him to spill to me whatever he has to spill.

His smile gets the biggest it's been and the corners of his eyes slightly crinkle before he exclaims, "You're coming to Colorado!!"

I can feel my eyes go wide in shock. No he didn't....

"I'm coming to see you?"


"W-what but is my mom alright with this? That's a long way and plane tickets are expensive and-

"Ramona. It's all paid for. And it's already set up and approved by your mom. You'll be flying up this weekend. Don't worry this is supposed to be celebration time!"

I let out a happy laugh along with my very own big smile before I face my camera to my closet and rush towards it.

"This is big! Now I need help packing since I don't know the place well." I open my closet doors and start sifting through all my options.

"Mona, I'm sure anything you decide to wear will look amazing."

I turn to face the phone to look at him, "Thank you Aussie but you are still staying on FaceTime the whole time I pack."

"That's alright. I always got time for you."

2 days later
My plane lands and I feel a rush of adrenaline course through me immediately, waking me fully up from my slumber.

I'm here! I'm finally here!

My mother and I wait until the people infront of us get off which feels like an eternity but, soon enough I find myself by the baggage claim eagerly grabbing my floral print suitcase and scanning my surroundings.

I scan for a few minutes before looking up at my mom questioningly.

"He's supposed to be here, right?"

"Yes, his mother told me they'd be here..." My mom then checks her watch before returning her gaze to the crowds around us.

Come on Austin.

"There!!" I finally see the familiar face I know all too well and run to him as fast as I can, leaving my suitcase with my mom.

I run so fast that I almost run into others before I make it into his arms. We squeeze onto each other tightly and I think I even let out a squeal to be honest.

Then we let go and both give each other a smile.

"I'm so happy to see you! That plane ride felt like it took a century!"

He chuckles, "Well good to know you'd go through a whole century to come see me."

"Yeah yeah whateverrrr," I playfully punch his shoulder knowing full well I would totally go through a century to see him, "so do you have any plans for us today?"

"I got a whole list. I had to make sure we have the best time we possibly can." 

My mom has made it over to us and I take back my suitcase. Our moms start happily chatting as we trail behind out into the breezy Colorado day. The air chills me and I feel myself shiver. California certainly didn't assist me in preparing for this trip.

Thankfully, the Butler's car isn't parked too far and after loading our luggage into the trunk we hop into the car where my body soon heats up.

We look over at eachother and can't help but smile as we await all the fun we are going to have.

1 year later
He's forgotten about me.

He's forgotten our daily calls and texts. He's forgotten to send photos. He's forgotten me.

That's not even all though.

He lied.

He said he'd never forget me but yet now it's like we were never even a duo.

After Colorado, he still called and communicated. I mean it was just like normal but as the months went on, the less texts I started to get and less times my ringtone would fill my senses.

At first I would wait. I would wait in my bed, pretending to be distracted by a show or a book but, my mind was never truly on them as I was constantly thinking about him.

I was constantly thinking about when was the next time I was hearing his voice or when was the next time he would text me goodnight.

And I would like to say I stopped doing that but I didn't. I still wait for him.

Even today, as I await brightly wrapped birthday gifts and decedent chocolate cake, I'm still waiting for him.

"Honey, time to come downstairs!" I hear my mother call from down below and I know it's my que to make an entrance. An entrance that would be more grand if he was here to witness it.

I get up and my sage green sheets slightly change position. I make my way to the door and walk downstairs where I'm meant with a big "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

I smile a bit and take my seat at the table. The seat I usually sit in and the one that is usually right next to his seat.

The room feels quiet and bare as only my parents occupy the space. The signature birthday headband gets placed atop my head and pictures are taken before the iconic song is sung and we dig in.

Banter between the moms and dads would fill the room but mainly Austin and I's voices would be heard in this moment as we fill up on sugar. The only sound filling the room now is the sound of forks against plastic plates.

Yet, here I am, turning 14.

Without him.

𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑤𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑑Where stories live. Discover now