𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑖𝑥: 16 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 3

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They all just stare at me as a make my way to a chair near the couch. The room is awkwardly silent and by the mom's facial expressions I think they were expecting a more jubilant reunion.

"It's lovely to see you again Ramona."

Thank you Mrs.Butler for breaking the silence.

"It's lovely to see you as well."

I give her the best smile I can muster up and shift my eyes to Austin before shifting them back and focusing on the rings that decorate my hands.

"Sweetie, are you alright? Your face is swollen and bruised."

I knew it was going to be brought up at some point, I was just hoping it wouldn't.

"It's fine mom...uhm I was getting something from my locker and the person beside me at the next locker swung up their locker door too fast and the hinges don't do much so yeah it came flying back into my face. Honest mistake on their part."

I'm almost convinced it worked on everyone but when I look up, Austin's eyes meet mine almost immediately and I can tell he knows there was more to the story than that.

"Someone should be watching how they open their locker." My mother says in an irritated tone.

"I'll be fine mom."

She gives me that motherly look that says she knows it's bothering me but gives up on trailing on this conversation.

"You two should go chat while we catch up. Feel free to grab anything for snacks. I know you must be starving after using up that knowledge at school."

"Thank you Mrs.Davis."

After Austin responds, we both get up simultaneously and I feel a pang of panic run through me. It was tolerable around the mothers but now being alone with him poses new issues. I mean, now we are practically forced to either spill everything or pretend like nothing happened.

I feel him trailing behind as I go to the kitchen to grab myself a soda and some peanut butter crackers. He starts to browse as he always had access to the kitchen at our place.Why stop his access now?

I slightly observe as he grabs a matching soda and a packet of those mini chocolate chip muffins. We look at each other and we silently communicate that our next stop is my room. It was always our hangout spot where comfort came in abundance but now I feel like once we get up there the warmth will be gone and replaced with an icy cool chill.

We make our way up the carpeted stairs like we've done oh so many times before and make it to my room before I shut my poster covered door behind us. I set my snacks down on my desk and notice him looking around my room, taking in all that has been altered since his absence. New posters cover the walls for things he doesn't even know I took interest in and less colorful nicknacks and toys fill shelves and corners. He does notice one of the many things I kept from him though and that is the plush dog that he gave to me that played his voice message. A small smile seems to appear on his face but not one of just pure happiness. No, this one was mixed with something else I couldn't put my finger on.

We could do this for the rest of the time he is here. Stay in silence as we observe our changed lives. But the silence is becoming to much to stand and before I know it my mouth opens.

"So, are we just not going to talk about your forgetfulness?"

Haven't I could've opened up this conversation with anything better? Goddamnit Ramona.

He turns his attention from the plushie to me with a similar but changed unreadable expression. It seems like it's hard for him to look me in the eyes now.

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