᯾Prologue ⇝ I wish I could speak᯾

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Click here if you listen to a playlist I made for this while reading - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5YjR4mWPwmzfJ7N79EBPwK?si=_Jz23tgjSbqG63VZo9dZwQ&pi=u-HjZ2-9ANRhmg

Petals of the cherry blossom trees whisked through the air as bustling crowds strolled throughout the streets. A little black kitten sat upon the sidewalk gazing at the crowd but then one person in particular caught the cat's eye. A boy came strolling down the street as the crowds of high schoolers were looking at him in astonishment, "That's our school uniform right?" A girl from the crowd asked, another dropped their backpack in amazement. As the boy  kept walking he walked to the cat then stopped, he stared at it for a while and it stared back. He then tried to pet the cat but when he looked back it was gone, it had started to scurried away in fear.

Tanjuro's POV:

"I never expected a person like me to get accepted into a great preparatory school like this one" Tanjuro acknowledged opening his shoe locker "In any case my goal for the time being is to make some friends and pass high school." Tanjuro proclaimed.

Then Tanjuro jumped in shock as he heard the sound of a locker door open. "Um greetings are important" Tanjuro thought "Oh our shoe lockers are close, so we are in the same class" Tanjuro addressed. "Good mor...ning"

Tanjuro went silent as he looked down at the boy, he was in a dark blue school uniform, had long black hair that faded into a turquoise color, and cold blue eyes. Tanjuro couldn't believe the sight in front of him he was so pretty he looked like a doll, Tanjuro stood up and looked at the boy. Then the boy turned his head to face Tanjuro with cold, menacing eyes. Tanjuro stood there in shock questioning if he did something wrong, then the boy walked away fast not looking back at him. "W-what in the world was that all about?" Tanjuro questioned, then he turned back to look at the boys shoe locker name tag "Muichiro?"

Tanjuro was walking down the hallway thinking about the interaction he just had with the boy "But seriously what was up with that boy? Well um one things for sure he is really pretty" Tanjuro thought as he walked into his classroom "Well an a person like me probably won't have any more contact with a boy like him anyways, I'm just gonna live a peaceful high school life" Tanjuro frowned putting his bag on the desk hook and sitting down at his desk. Tanjuro sighed in relief then looked at the seat right of his, Muichiro's seat was right next to his.

People from the hallways looked into the classroom doors and started to take videos and pictures of Muichiro, the others that sat behind and in front of Muichiro stared at him in amazement and one even started smelling him "Ah he smells like heaven" the person behind him said creepily, Muichiro was unfazed by all of this havoc going on around him and kept his head down. "This boy Muichiro seems like he's already the most popular boy in school, and on the very first day of class!" Tanjuro started "Yea sure it feels great sitting next to the prettiest boy in school, but... is it just me or does it seem like I'm gonna get murdered! My high school life was doomed from the start."


"Introduce yourself" The teacher instructed to the class "I'm Z-Zenitzu Agatsuma, I-It's very n-nice to meet you" a blonde boy shouted in a loud manner looking embarrassed "Zenitzu, your way too nervous right now" a black and yellowed haired boy sitting behind him jeered in a playful manner, the class started to laugh along with him as Zenitzu sat there embarrassed.

"Oh what a relief the people in this class seem friendly" Tanjuro sighed in relief. "Next!" The teacher huffed out, then Muichiro stood up from his chair with an emotionless expression. Everyone was looking in shock as he stood up. The class sat there for a second waiting for a response out of Muichiro but then he stepped out of his desk and quickly walked to the chalkboard and wrote his name "Tokito Muichiro" the class had started to cheer in excitement as Muichiro walked to his desk quickly.

☆ 𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐂𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧)☆Where stories live. Discover now