Moon on the waves

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Nighttime had always been Wooyoung's favorite time of the day. When the moon shone down on the waves and reflected back into the sky, it was breathtaking on the perfect night. He enjoyed watching the stars and thinking about what it would be like to just live among the stars. Did stars feel anything or were they just balls of gas? Sometimes he liked to convince himself that stars were more than just burning balls of gas, that there was more to life than just that. San made him believe that. San made that thought believable. Anything was possible when Wooyoung was with San.

"I didn't expect you to be up" San admitted, letting his arm wrap around Wooyoung's waist.

"I forced myself to. Their beautiful, aren't they?" Wooyoung looked up at the stars.

"Yeah, beautiful" San nodded, staring at Wooyoung. The younger looked over at him and San turned away with a slight blush.

"Do you think stars feel anything?" Wooyoung questioned. San just stared; that was a very strange question but San had a feeling that how he responded was extremely important.

"I don't know" San sighed. Wooyoung leaned against him.

"I wish I was a prince. Like you" Wooyoung admitted. San looked at him, confused and worried. He knew Wooyoung's life was hard in the past but San had never heard him wishing to be something else.

"Why?" San wondered.

"I don't know. It just seems like a nice thing to be" Wooyoung shrugged. "Better than a pirate, a criminal". San frowned and gently brushed Wooyoung's hair out of his face.

"I chose to be a pirate. Do you think any less of me because of it?" San pointed out. Wooyoung bowed his head.

"No" He answered softly. San kissed the side of his head.

"Your my Prince" He whispered. Wooyoung blushed and leaned his head on San's shoulder.

"Your mine too" Wooyoung answered, laying his head in San's lap. San started playing with his hair, smiling down at Wooyoung.

"I wish I was the moon" Wooyoung laughed. San lightly slapped his shoulder, smiling. Wooyoung just kept laughing.

"Why don't you just be you?" San wondered.

"Cause me is boring. The moon's prettier" Wooyoung sighed.


"Hey!" Wooyoung huffed, pouting up at San.

"Don't talk like that! You're more beautiful to me than the moon and stars put together" San smacked him again. Wooyoung pushed himself up, sulking.

"Young-ah" San tilted Wooyoung's face up. Wooyoung stared into his eyes, a light blush on his face.

"Your beautiful" San kissed him, their lips locking together. Wooyoung was a little caught off guard but he didn't pull away and instead engaged in the kiss. San pulled him closer, his arms wrapping around Wooyoung and his hands resting on the younger's hips. Wooyoung leaned into the touch, pushing San down onto the wooden deck and leaning over him.

"Young-ah" San whispered, his hands moving lower. Wooyoung broke the kiss and sat up, looking innocent.

"Sannie" He responded, smiling. San felt his heart stop. Despite Wooyoung's insecurities, he really was beautiful. The moon hit his face perfectly, lighting up his eyes.

"Sannie, do you love me?" Wooyoung wondered. Time seemed to stop. They had shown it in several different ways but nothing was ever official. They had never said it out loud.

"Yeah" San nodded. He had known it already but it felt nice saying it out loud.

"I do too" Wooyoung added. San held his arms out for him and Wooyoung crawled over, tucking himself under San's arm.

"So...does this mean we're official now?" Wooyoung guessed. San kissed his cheek.

"Yeah" San nodded. Wooyoung grinned.

"Yes! We beat Jongho and Yeosang!" He laughed. San shook his head, amused.

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