One Direction Food Game

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One Direction Food Game

The point of this game is to eat something whenever something below is mentioned.  Of course, you have to be watching some sort of interview or something to play this game. Whoever can not eat any more anymore loses.

Simple enough.

Eat something whenever. . .

Louis curses.

Niall laughs so hard he can't breathe.

A bromance moment pops up.

Zayn sticks his tongue out.

Harry fixes his hair.

Liam mentions his turtles.

Harry points out one of his tattoos.

Louis makes one of his drama queen faces.

Zayn calls Niall cute.

Liam says something emotional.

Louis says he regrets saying he likes women who eat carrots.

A funny post is made about the boys.

Zayn invisible ass is in view. (ALL THE TIME)

Lux makes an appearance.

One of the boys make kissy faces.

Arse touching is detected.

The boys fall on stage.

They sing a song that isn't theirs. (Basically any covers)

When Zayn says 'like'.

When they do impersonations of each other.

When Liam's arm muscles are visible.

When Harry wears a beanie.

When Niall wears a snapback on stage.

Whenever the Pepsi commercial comes on.

Any of the boys are shirtless.

The boys were colorful pants.

Louis becomes a sassy bitch.

And whenever handstands are done.

Good luck. . .

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