Niall Horan's diary

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Zen is leevun one erection an t crazay mofos so i will be leevin to. I am goin to join 5 sex of summir becoz dey rly luv me. I am sorrey but 5sauce is da craic now n da craic is wer I must b. on da brightside, I slapped perrie today becoz she said he rocked da blon bettur den me. Zen took my side so I'll stills Luv him wen he joins lil mix. Ziall 5ever!!!!111!!1!1!1



PS zen toll me he luvs me n not perrie perrie sauce Wot u wanna say now bich

PPS. zen asked me to luv him bak n I sed yes. I luv zen and he luvz me

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