04 ― fists of steel.

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❝ yawn, what a snooze fest! ❞

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yawn, what a snooze fest!


Nathalie's feet were propped up on the chair beside her and her arms were folded across her chest as she stared at the ceiling. She was in the middle of complaining about her brother as Flora's pencil scratched against her paper while she worked on her algebra homework.

"He didn't even say hello or anything this morning," Nathalie told her. "First of all, he woke up early to make breakfast. I'm surprised he didn't burn the apartment down. The first thing out of his mouth when Marisol and I came out of our rooms was 'So, can I do karate?' Like, what happened to good morning?"

Flora sighed, looking up from her textbook. "Oli did the same thing. Not the part about making breakfast. I mean, asking if he can join karate."

Nathalie placed her feet on the floor. "Is letting our little brothers take karate lessons from Johnny Lawrence really the best idea? I mean, after what happened to Miguel? Johnny's such a loser. He's a drunk."

Flora nodded her head. "I agree. Plus, Seb and Oli already have bad influences. I mean, they spend time with you." Flora smiled, laughing at her own joke.

Nathalie reached across the table and hit her on the shoulder. "I'm serious. Nothing has been said or done that can convince me. If I get one good reason we should let them join Cobra Kai, then I'll change my mind. Until then, it's a no."

"Why do I have a feeling that you're going regret saying that?" Flora asked.

Nathalie shrugged. "Because I probably will."

Flora chuckled as she closed her textbook and started to pack her bag. Nathalie stood up and slung her backpack over her shoulder. She turned the corner and stopped in her tracks, rolling her eyes.

"You've got to be kidding me," Nathalie crossed her arms.

"What?" Flora asked as she walked around the table and stood next to her.

Nathalie nodded her head, motioning in front of them where Miguel, Demetri, and Eli stood. In front of them were Kyler and Brucks who no doubt were about to stir up trouble.

Nathalie clenched her jaw when she saw Kyler grab the back of Eli's neck, forcing him to turn around. He placed his hand under Eli's chin, titling his head up. Miguel was the first one to speak up, causing Kyler to push Eli away.

"Do you seriously have nothing better to do than pick on other people?" Nathalie asked.

He looked over his shoulder, laughing when he saw Nathalie. He ignored her and turned back around; his attention focused on Miguel.

Nathalie stepped closer to him. "Hey, Tweedle-Dum, I was talking to you."

Kyler turned to Nathalie. "What did you just call me?"

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