Chapter 8

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The journey to Utah seemed to stretch into eternity. Raine's thoughts drifted, her mind conjuring vivid images of Ryker – These memories were a lifeline, fueling a hope that continued inside her. She clung to them with an extreme desperation, fearful that the passage of time would erode them, becoming foggy in the back of her mind.

Kane remained detached as he guided them inexorably toward their destination. Salt Lake City towered before them, a sprawling metropolis pulsing with optimistic energy that seemed at odds with everything that had happened.

It was in the heart of this urban area that Kane steered them, he navigated the maze of streets and avenues. At last, they drew to a halt before a modest, unassuming house – a structure that seemed to blend into the surroundings ordinarily.

"This is one of our safe houses," Kane remarked,in his gruff baritone. "A place to regroup, to gather our strength before pressing on."

Raine's brow furrowed as her gaze swept over the unremarkable façade, a flicker of trepidation kindling within her breast. "Whose house is it?" she ventured, her voice emerging as a hoarse rasp, from lack of hydration.

Kane's jaw clenched, the muscles feathering beneath the surface as he seemed to weigh the implications of her question. "It belongs to Ryker, Anya, Kaia, and myself," he said at last, each name hanging in the air like a tangible thing.

Raine flinched at the mention of Kaia's name, a memory of the young woman's lifeless form resurfaced with brutal clarity. A chill rippled through her, and she instinctively drew closer to the shelter of Kane's imposing presence.

For a fleeting moment, she contemplated confiding in him – to unburden herself of the anguish that weighed so heavily upon her, but then the image of Kaia's sightless eyes flickered through her mind's eye, and the words withered on her tongue, leaving only a bitter silence in their wake.

Kane regarded her silently, his gaze inscrutable, before turning and leading the way toward the unassuming dwelling. Raine trailed in his wake, her steps faltering ever so slightly.

The door swung open before them, revealing a figure silhouetted against the muted light spilling from the interior. Raine's breath caught in her throat as she took in the familiar lines of Anya's lithe form, her heart stuttering in her chest as a flicker of hope ignited within her.

But then Anya stepped forward, and Raine's eyes were drawn to the stark crimson stain that marred the makeshift bandages swathed around her upper arm. A reminder of the violence that had torn through their sanctuary, it seemed to drain the color from Anya's features, rendering her pale and drawn in the dim illumination.

Anya's gaze flickered between Kane and Raine, a number of reactions playing across her delicate features – relief, apprehension, a guarded sort of optimism that seemed at odds with the gravity of their circumstances.

"You made it," she breathed, the words emerging as a hushed exhalation that seemed to carry the weight of a thousand unvoiced fears.

Kane inclined his head in a curt nod, his expression inscrutable. "We did," he rumbled, his deep baritone seeming to reverberate through the very air around them.

Anya's lips curved into a tight, tremulous smile as she stepped aside, gesturing for them to enter. Raine hesitated, her gaze drawn to the stain that marred Anya's makeshift bandages, a silent branding of the violence they lived.

"Are you alright?" she ventured, her voice barely above a whisper. 

Anya's smile faltered, her eyes betraying a depth of sorrow that seemed to be visible in her eyes. "I'll survive," she said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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