Chapter 7

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At last, they emerged onto the deserted stretch of asphalt, the sun beating down upon them with a relentless intensity. Raine paused, shading her eyes as she scanned the horizon, her gaze searching for any sign of approaching vehicles.

"We'll have to flag someone down," Kane rumbled, his deep baritone cutting through the stillness that enveloped them.

The minutes ticked by, each one stretching into an eternity as they waited. Raine's thoughts drifted past images of Ryker and the life they had built together, a life that now seemed little more than a dream.

A distant rumble snapped her from her out of he thoughts, her head whipping around as a battered pickup truck approached the horizon. Kane's hand shot out, his fingers curling around her wrist in a grip that was equal parts reassuring and commanding.

"Get ready," he growled.

The truck drew nearer until at last it slowed, the driver's side window rolling down to reveal a weathered face beneath the brim of a battered baseball cap.

"Y'all need a ride?" the man called out, his voice carrying the distinct twang of the region.

Kane's grip on Raine's wrist tightened fractionally before he gave a curt nod. "To the nearest station," he rumbled, his tone leaving no room for argument.

The driver regarded them both for a long moment, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly as he seemed to weigh the potential risks against the prospect of a few extra dollars in his pocket. Finally, he shrugged, his calloused hand gesturing toward the truck bed.

"Hop in," he drawled, the words punctuated by a stream of tobacco juice that spattered against the dusty asphalt.

With a silent nod, Kane released his hold on Raine and moved toward the truck, his powerful frame seeming to dwarf the battered vehicle. Raine trailed in his wake, her heart thundering in her ears as she clambered into the truck bed, the rusted metal creaking beneath their combined weight.

The ride was a blur of sun-baked landscapes and the occasional cluster of dilapidated buildings.

Kane, ever the stoic presence, remained utterly still, his gaze fixed on the horizon as if he could see beyond the physical realm and into the unseen threads that bound their destinies together.

At last, they rolled into the outskirts of a non descript station, the truck rumbling to a stop in the parking lot. Kane hopped down from the truck bed with a fluid grace that belied his massive stature, his hand extending to help Raine down with a gentleness that seemed at odds with his imposing presence.

The driver leaned out of the window, his gaze sweeping over them with a mixture of curiosity and wariness. "That'll be ten bucks," he drawled, his calloused hand extended in expectation.

Kane reached into his pocket, withdrawing a crisp bill and pressing it into the man's palm without a word. The driver grunted, his fingers closing around the money as he gave them a curt nod of acknowledgment before peeling away, his tires kicking up a plume of dust in his wake.

Raine looked over the weathered bus station, her brow furrowing as she took in the sparse crowd of weary travelers that milled about the cracked pavement. A sense of unease settled over her, a nagging feeling that they stood out like a beacon amidst the normalcy of their surroundings.

Kane seemed to sense her hesitation, his hand settling at the small of her back in a gentle, reassuring gesture. "Stay close," he rumbled, his words carrying the weight of a command rather than a request.

Raine nodded mutely, her fingers curling into the fabric of her shirt as she fell into step beside Kane's towering form. They approached the ticket counter, where a bored-looking attendant sat hunched over a well-worn magazine, her attention only diverting when they drew near.

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