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"Here we are!" CC turned to Izzy, standing proudly in front of a cafe. They finished eating quite some time ago, their stomachs with enough space for a drink now. The shorter girl held the door open for Izzy, her face beaming with enthusiasm. "My favorite spot."

Izzy chuckled, stepping inside. "Quite presumptuous of you, bringing me to your favorite place when you're supposed to be making it up to me."

CC grinned, unfazed by Izzy's teasing. "Well, I figured if you end up not liking it, I can just say you have terrible taste." She joked, nudging Izzy playfully as they made their way to the counter. Already knowing her usual order by heart, "I'll have a medium iced white mocha, please." CC said to the barista with a smile.

Izzy stood beside her, scanning the menu board before deciding on a hot caramel macchiato. She said her order to the barista, glancing over at CC. "Going for something cold, huh? Trying to keep up that cool facade?" She teased, with less malice than usual.

CC rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, please. I'm not a fan of burning my tongue." she retorted with a grin. She then turned back to the worker, "Can I also get two scoops, on a cookie. Chocolate and vanilla." The barista nodded, punching in CC's order.

"Jeez, a sweet tooth?" Izzy muttered quietly beside her.

CC shot Izzy a mock offended look. "Hey, I like to treat myself every once in a while." She defended, her grin widening. "And besides, who doesn't love a good ice cream half'wich?" She handed the barista the cash.

Izzy couldn't help but chuckle at CC's enthusiasm. Maybe this outing wasn't such a bad idea after all. "Half'wich?"

"Yeah, It only has one cookie, so it's not a full ice cream sandwich." CC giggled.

Izzy laughed, shaking her head in amusement. "Ah, got it. Half'wich it is then."

With their drinks and ice cream sandwiches in hand, they found a cozy corner table to sit at, the cafe buzzing with the chatter of other people and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air.

As they settled into their seats, Izzy took a sip of her hot drink, relishing in the warmth that spread through her chest. She glanced over at CC, who was cutting her half'wich just right where both sides had chocolate and vanilla. She then looked at Izzy, sheepishly pushing one of the half towards her.

Izzy raised an eyebrow in surprise as CC pushed the other half of her half'wich toward her. She chuckled, amused by the gesture. "Are you sure?"

CC nodded, her cheeks tinted pink, or maybe it was just the lighting here. "Yeah, I thought you might want to try it." She replied, her voice soft. "Besides, I wanted to give you the full experience here."

Izzy genuinely smiled, accepting the offered half'wich. "Thanks." She said sincerely, before taking a bite. The combination of vanilla and chocolate ice cream was surprisingly delicious, and she couldn't help but hum in satisfaction.

CC watched her with a small smile, glad to see Izzy enjoying the treat. It was a simple gesture, but it felt oddly intimate, sharing something as mundane as an ice cream half'wich with someone she used to dislike greatly. Yet, in that moment, it felt like so much more to CC.


'You made it home?' CC's message went through, alerting Izzy with the notification. CC bit her lip in thought. She usually always asked her friends that everytime after a hang out. Was it too much to do the same with Izzy? Did Izzy even consider her a friend?

'now it just feels like you're overcompensating for the argument we had.' Izzy texted back a minute later.

'i made it just fine.'  She added.

CC smiled faintly, already reading the text with Izzy's teasing voice. 'Maybe we can hang out some other time?'  She hesitated for a moment, considering whether it was too soon to suggest hanging out again. Ultimately, she decided to delete the message, leaving things as they were. With a final glance at her phone, she headed inside her house.


Izzy made her way inside, setting her leather jacket to the side. She heard chatter by the living room, music playing. It must be Emilia's friends, drinking. She was passing down a hallway, going towards the stairs to her room.

"Izzy." A girl called out, who Izzy now knew as Sophie.

Izzy waved in response, offering a thin lipped smile. "Hey." She knew her enough not to be awkward around her. Especially since Sophie was here more than Emilia's other friends.

"You were great on the field last week." Sophie complimented, smiling warmly at the younger girl.

Izzy looked up at her in surprise. It was rare for anyone to attend her games, and she felt warmth in her chest at the compliment. "You... you went to my game?"

Sophie nodded, her smile widening. "Yeah, I wanted to show some support." She paused, noticing the surprise in Izzy's expression. "You're really talented, you know? It's impressive."

Izzy's cheeks flushed slightly at the praise, a gentle warmth radiated within her. It wasn't often that she received compliments from anyone but her teammates and teachers. "Thanks." She murmured, feeling a hint of pride.

Sophie leaned against the wall, her gaze lingering on Izzy. "So, what are you up to now?" she asked casually, her tone friendly.

Izzy shrugged, shifting with small discomfort under Sophie's gaze. Like the mood had changed. "Just heading up to my room, I guess." She tried to sound nonchalant, but there was a subtle tension in her voice.

Sophie nodded, seemingly unfazed by Izzy's response. "Cool, cool." She said, her eyes flickering with something Izzy couldn't quite place. Izzy also couldn't help but smell a tinge of alcohol. "Well, if you ever have any upcoming soccer games, let me know."

Izzy offered a small smile, though she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the pit of her stomach. "Thanks, Sophie. I'll keep that in mind." With that, she quickly made her way up the stairs.

That was odd. Izzy thought as she made her way upstairs. She had appreciated the compliment greatly, but the tone shift was strange. It must be because Sophie's probably drunk. After all, people acted differently when they'd had a few drinks, right? She shook her head, brushing that thought out of her mind.


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