Bitter Reckoning

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Leaving my hand, he aggressively pushed me onto the edge of the bed, "You think you can do whatever you want to?" I sat there, perplexed, as he spoke these words. "I-I. No, I didn't." As I tried to finish the sentence, I stumbled. I nodded, and he came near me, grasping my hair and lifting my face. "You are a coward. You can never kill me. Why did you not let me drink the coffee, huh?" He growled as I gazed at him with horror.

I screamed, "I am not a killer like you." He took a step back, his grip on me slipping away, his eyes filled with terror. After surprising him with an unexpected outburst, I finally revealed my rebellious nature.

"You took my father's life, and now I seek to bring an end to yours. I have tainted your coffee, intending to inflict upon you a most agonizing demise. I despise you, and I couldn't care less if your men end my life," I continued shouting at him, while he remained motionless.

Kim Taehyung remained silent as I unleashed my fury, pouring out my anger and desire for revenge. Tears welled up in my eyes, cascading down my cheeks, as he approached me, gently reaching out to touch my face.

I couldn't help but flinch, but when I caught sight of his genuinely concerned gaze, I knew I had to hear him out. "Y/N, I had only one choice. Taking your father's life was a matter of great significance to me. I wish I could ease your pain," he said softly, wiping my tears with his thumb and exiting the room, leaving me alone and confused.

For what reason would it be so important to take someone's life? I don't understand why he seems to care about me when he is a heartless, savage monster who murders helpless lives. I should despise him for killing my father, but I can't help but feel a strong attraction to him. He has always been kind and patient with me; he has never acted aggressively towards me, even after I poisoned him. Why? "Kim Taehyung, who are you?" You looked in the mirror and wondered as you spoke to yourself.

Your mind was racing, so you opted to relax with a hot shower. Your body was in a lather when you were startled by the sound of a gunshot. Whirling around the towel dangling from the adjacent stand, you quickly rinsed your body with water. Hurriedly making your way down the stairs, you didn't give a second thought to the fact that you were only wearing a towel.

"Taehyung? Margret?" With your heart pounding at an unfathomable rate, you yelled out their names, but nobody answered. The hall was deserted, and you wondered, "Where is everyone? Margret?" you ask. As you once again heard gunfire emanating from behind the locked doors, your body betrayed your horror. "Oh! My God!" While rattling the doorknob with the long metal rod, you let out an ear-piercing scream.

You couldn't believe your eyes, whatever you saw. "Taehyung!!!!!!" you yelled, sprinting towards the towering figure who was threatening Kim Taehyung with a gun.

As a reaction, he started to whisper your name and turn his focus to you. As you look at Margret standing there, directing the maid to leave the tray of drinks on the table, you can't help but be perplexed. "Mrs. Kim, what on earth is she doing here?" she asks in horror, Talking to the housekeeper, you overhear her.

As you turn to face the floor, you can see a damp towel enveloping your body, damp hair, and water dripping off your body. It hits you: all eyes are on you. "Stop fooling yourself; what are you even trying to do?" While hiding your figure under his blazer, Kim Taehyung spoke softly to you.

"What the h**ck is going on?" You replied, "I heard gunshots, and this man pointed the gun at you," Your thinking and vision were clouded by confusion. As he led you to the other side, where no one could see your nude body, Kim Taehyung let out an exasperated sigh.

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