her strict boss

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Backstory: In the bustling corporate world of Los Angeles, Emily found herself navigating the complexities of office politics and power dynamics. As a diligent employee striving to climb the ranks, she dedicated long hours to her work, hoping to earn the respect and recognition of her superiors.

However, her ambitions were soon met with an unexpected challenge when her boss, Mr. Johnson, began to take a keen interest in her appearance. Despite Emily's stellar performance and contributions to the company, Mr. Johnson seemed fixated on one aspect: her long, flowing locks.

Story: Emily sat at her desk, her heart pounding with anticipation as she awaited her meeting with Mr. Johnson. She had heard whispers around the office of his peculiar demands, but nothing could have prepared her for what was to come.

As Mr. Johnson entered the room, his imposing figure casting a shadow over Emily, she braced herself for the inevitable confrontation. Without preamble, he gestured towards her hair, his voice cold and commanding.

"Emily, I've noticed that your hair has become quite a distraction in the workplace," Mr. Johnson stated matter-of-factly. "It's time for a change."

Emily's heart sank at his words, her mind reeling with disbelief. She had worked tirelessly to prove herself in a male-dominated industry, only to be reduced to her appearance by her own boss.

Before she could protest, Mr. Johnson continued, his tone brooking no argument. "I expect you to schedule a haircut appointment immediately. I want those locks gone by the end of the day."

Emily felt a surge of anger and indignation rise within her, but she knew better than to defy Mr. Johnson's commands. With a heavy heart, she nodded in resignation, masking her inner turmoil behind a facade of compliance.

As the day wore on, Emily found herself sitting in the salon chair, her long hair falling away with each snip of the scissors. With every strand that hit the floor, she felt a piece of herself being stripped away, her identity reduced to nothing more than Mr. Johnson's whims.then the barber uses the clippers on 0 mode over her head

Once her hair was significantly shortened, the barber applied a thick layer of shaving foam to Emily's scalp. The cool sensation against her skin sent shivers down her spine as she braced herself for what was to come.

With a steady hand, the barber picked up the razor, its sharp blade glinting in the harsh salon light. Emily closed her eyes as she felt the first pass of the razor against her skin, the sound of its blades scraping away her remaining hair echoing in her ears.

When the shaving was complete, Emily stared at her reflection in the mirror, her eyes brimming with tears. She barely recognized the woman staring back at her, her once-flowing locks replaced by a smooth, bald surface that felt foreign against her fingertips, because of this rule she was bald till she left the job

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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