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Hi guys, I've been thinking about writing a very realistic book about Straykids especially Minsung.

To feed our Delulu minds🫢

So to every new content of Straykids, I'll write some "background" story and the thoughts of Minsung in this content.

For example: They posted "the tortoise and the hare - Skz Code", and I'll give an oneshot story about Minsungs minds and thoughts in this code
(BUT it's only fanfiction and the thoughts aren't from themselves!!) + I won't do smut. Just a little mentions but not smut how you know it.

In my Oneshots Minsung will never get together though. (Maybe someday when I don't feel like writing oneshots anymore, but not for now.) It will be like "we're friends but I feel more than I should". So the storyline will only be loving each other but no one confesses to the other.

So stay tuned, I am excited, as I have no idea if anyone is even interested. I really hope that more people can give me ideas. And also I really have fun with writing so please give these Oneshots a chance. (If you don't like this, you can give my other books chances🫶🏼)

Minsung | Oneshots | real life Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin