Chapter one: introduction

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Authors note:

Hi guys! This is my first story so there might be mistakes and I don't even know it. I got inspiration from Detective Conan and this is literally like a story i wrote in class for an assessment . Lets start!
Word count:1048
Reminder: You slay all day

Hi! My name is Emily Anderson. I am half Japanese and half American( cause my mom is Japanese and my dad is American). My parents met when they were on vacation. My mom had traveled to America because her father had some sort of work there. And my dad already lived there. The met on the beach and ever since then, they became friends until he confessed to mama and proposed to her. Sooo romantic!Anyways back to the main topic. Im 23 years old and i graduated from a police academy in Japan.I wanted to be a police officer like papa! And trust me ,it wasn't that easy! Not because Im a girl means that the training was different from mens' training!It was soo hard, but they were memories that i want to cherish for my whole life so that when i grow up i can tell my kids! And although there were hard moments, I kept going and working hard to make my parents proud and achieve my goal. I wanted to protect my country! Until now, it still feels scary to walk around with a gun( sometimes and yes, i am permitted to walk around with a gun)even though we trained a lot. Recently, my dad's close friend, the owner of  "Kamigata Ukiyoe"( a museum in Osaka), asked me if i wanted to become a security guard at his museum. At first i was hesitant , but them i was like " why not!" . He said he would pay me a good amount of money.   I didn't really need the money, but i thought that i could help my parents out and maybe give some to charity.I also accepted because it was an opportunity cause its really hard to become a security guard there, and he's giving to me for free!
"Ok Emily-san, you'll start working next Monday!" he said.
                         * a few days later*
-No ones POV-
The alarm was ringing, but the stupid girl didn't sleep well the previous night so she didn't wake up. It was Monday, the day of her first shift.
"Oh my goodness, isn't she up already?Ttaku !Darling, please go wake her up!" said Miyuki(the girl's mum).
" Its okay Miyuki , her shift is at night. We can let her sleep in a little more."
"Big no no, she'll ruin her sleeping schedule! And then she won't be able to sleep at night!"
"Okay don't be sad , I'll go wake her up"
He went up the stairs and went to her bedroom. Although the alarm rang several times , the girl was still asleep as if she was in a coma.When Caleb reached his daughter's room, he saw that the pillows were on the floor, the bed sheets were undone and Emily with her messy hair. He couldn't help but laugh at the scene. He then went and closed the alarm (finally!) and started waking her up.
"Emily.....wake up."
No reaction.
"Emilyyyyyyy.. wake up!"
Still no reaction.
Still no reaction.
"Okay..... If you don't wake up ill refund the concert ticket of your favorite K-pop group!!"
She immediately jumped out of her bed.
"IM AWAKE!!!!"
Caleb couldn't help but laugh again from how she reacted. He knew she would react this way because she loves K-pop.
"Wait what time is it?"
"Umm 12:30am"
"Oh my goddddddd why can't you let me sleep my shift is still at night!"
"You're sleeping schedule will get ruined"

Oh ma gawd, why did he have to wake me up? I barely slept last night! Anyways i gotta get up sooo. He left the room. I got up and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then I went to make my bed(since it was a mess). After I was done from that I picked out an outfit for today, even though I knew I would change it, but oh well. I entered the bathroom again to take a shower. After i was done from that i did my skincare and got dressed. I then put on some lipgloss and highlighter and then I went downstairs to make my self some breakfast(which is really some cereal). I went through my phone to check if i had any messages. Zero, as usual. I closed my phone and finished my cereal peacefully, while discussing with my dad about tonight. After I was done I went back to my room and journaled a bit. Then I scrolled through TikTok a bit. I watched some K-pop and then I thought maybe i can prepare the uniform for tonight! I started preparing it and when I was done I called my dad to show him. He told me that I did a good job. He then left the room because I needed to get ready because the owner needed me there earlier so that he can give me a tour around the museum and explain to me what Ill be doing and stuff. I got ready and put my hair in a neat bun. I then wore my uniform and my hat on. I filled a water bottle and took my phone. I then waved my mom a good bye as i headed out of the house and my dad was the one who was gonna take me there. When I arrived the owner was already there outside, waiting for me. He greeted me and then we headed inside of this grand museum.


Im finally done! This is the first chapter of this story. I don't know how many chapters it is gonna be, but i have high hopes for this story!
Q) can you guess which k pop group Emily likes?🎀
See you next time <33
Peace 😚✌️💗

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