Chapter 2: Shadow Of Punishment

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Kodiel stood amidst the silence of the now empty church. The air was thick with the scent of sin. He turned his gaze towards the altar, where the light from the stained glass windows cast a kaleidoscope of colors upon the floor.

Outside, the city of New Gomorrah continued its restless pace, unaware of the divine judgment that had just been executed within those sacred walls. Kodiel stepped out into the daylight, his figure casting a long shadow with wings that stretched across the cracked pavement.

Salvation is not always welcomed, especially by those who thrive in the darkness. As he made his way through the alleys and streets, he could feel the eyes of the city upon him.

It wasn't long before he crossed paths with those who would challenge his divine authority. 3 men, known for their ruthless control over the city's underground, confronted him.

"You don't belong here," the leader sneered.

Kodiel's response was calm. "It is not I who doesn't belong, but the sin that you harbor within your hearts."

As the leader's sneer twisted into a grimace, the men's forms twisted, their humanity slipping away as they transformed into grotesque demons, their true nature revealed.

"What do you want, holy one?" hissed one of the demons, its voice a guttural growl.

Kodiel's eyes blazed with a holy blue fire as he drew his sword. "I seek to cleanse this city of its filth, to purge the sin that has taken root in its heart."

The demons laughed. "You think you can challenge us? We who have feasted on the despair of this city for eons?"

Without a word, Kodiel drew his sword, its blue light cutting through the darkness. The demons lunged, claws extended and fangs bared.

Kodiel moved swiftly cutting the first demon's eyes as it groaned in pain. It tackled him from the alleyway into the busy city streets. The people ran in fear at the sight of the monster they couldn't comprehend.

Kodied lunged at the demon and struck its neck. It disintergrated. The second demon flew at him and grabbed his neck while the other grabbed two civilians and flew into the air.

"Let me show you how quickly I am able to consume fear." The demon laughed as it threw the humans down from the sky.

Kodiel thought quickly and stabbed the demon in the chest. Black wings sprouted from his back and he flew and saved the falling people, putting them on the ground.

"Targeting the innocent? You disgust me." Kodiel scoffed. You deserve nothing but punishment.

He flew at the demon, clashing his sword with its claws. He cut through the demon's hands and cut off its arm. It screamed in pain. Kodiel flew behind it and cut its wings. It fell with a loud thud. Retracting his wings, he walked towards it.

"Please, holy child of the almighty. Show mercy.", it begged.

"You seem to misunderstand this. I did not come with forgiveness to give to sinners, but with a sword to strike them down." He uttered these words and he struck the demon's head and killed it with a single blow. He flew into the sky, his breathing steady.

Kodiel proclaimed, his voice echoing through the city as the civilians gazed upon him. His holy presence felt by the residents of the city. "Let this be a warning to all who harbor darkness within their souls: Judgment is upon you."

He flew into the sky. The good saw him as a pinnacle of hope. But the evil saw him as an obstacle to their lifestyles.

End of Chapter 2

Saviour From BelowOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora