10 Badluck

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Contrary to what he believed, he didn't die that night. He went home drenched with rainwater.

He almost laughed out loud when he saw his parents worried expression. He realized how much he loved them. He always thought that death will be the answer to their sadness but on that night he realized something. Something very important.

On that night he saw the stars on his darkest hour. He learned to live on. Be brave and not fear what is yet to come.

He continued to live on. He then asked someone to find her. The beautiful girl with sad gray eyes.

Months later, he finally saw her again. He watched her from afar. He didn't dare approach her or introduced himself. He will soon die so what could be his reason in talking to her?

Instead, he just watched.

He watched her from the photos. Then watched her from the news. When she decided to be an actress, he became her number 1 fan. He watched her movies, her interviews and sadly her scandals.

He watched her ruin her life. He watched her get married into someone she barely knows. He watched her husband divorced her.

He was always there. Watching. Silently hurting every time she made a wrong decision. Silently crying when he saw her sad eyes.

He was always there looking at her.

Though deep inside he hoped that maybe...just maybe, one day she will look his way.

But of course, that didn't happen.

He was devastated one day when he received some news of her death. She was driving drunk one night. She lost control and crashed into a tree.

Her body was badly burned. Even he couldn't recognize her. He blamed himself.

Maybe if he approached her, talked to her, be her friend...then maybe she won't become so broken. He couldn't take her death so he vowed revenge to the people who hurt her.

He ruined her ex-husband. He destroyed her paternal family. He even wrecked the career of her little sister. Yes! He was petty. But who cares? She is dead. And he will soon die too.

He knows it. He felt it. The smell of death looming, coming, trying to caress him. He knows it wasn't his illness. Maybe it was the sadness from her death. Maybe it was the guilt slowly consuming him. Killing him.

Until his final days. He still couldn't fathom the fact that he didn't do something to save her. He just watched her. How could he just let her ruin her own life? How could he didn't let her realize that someone like him is there for her?

And before he closed his eyes. Just before he lost his breath, he vowed, he vowed to the heavens that in his next life, he will not let any moment pass without letting her know that he will always be there for her. In his next lifetime, he will save her. He will love her more than he will ever love himself.


It was a sleepless night for Jiang Yue.

She doesn't know why she still couldn't sleep. She just keeps on tossing and turning. She felt restless.

She let out a long sigh before finally getting out of her bed. She decided to go to the music room and play some instruments, maybe it will tire her out.

When she woke up, she felt sore. She felt really tired. She covered her eyes from the blinding light coming her way.

She realized she fell asleep at the table in her music room. She checked the time.

"Oh no...no...no" She thought out loud then quickly made her way into her bathroom.

It was already 8:35 in the morning. She overslept! She quickly undresses and couldn't help but groan as the hot water touched her body. She is just too clumsy. It's the first day of school and she is late.

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