chapter 17

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The summer passed by, and autumn arrived with its colored leafs. And with the autumn Alexsej's birthday came too, the 10th of September. It's the 6, Albert and Alexsej are in their place in the park. «Listen..would you like if we go out on the 9th and i stay at your house?» Albert asks «Sure honey. when i get hone I'll control if i have work and tomorrow I'll let you know, ok?» Alexsej replies.
Luckily the russian didn't have any night shifts, so the 9th they go out and then they come back at Alexsej's apartment at around 11:50 pm. They're on his sofa, Albert is caressing Alexsej's hair while looking at the clock, It's just a few seconds before midnight. 10,9,8,7 - the Englishman counts in his head- 6,5,4,3..2..1«Happy birthday my love, now they're really 36» Albert says, kissing his cheek «ah, is this why you wanted to see me today and not tomorrow?» Alexsej jokingly asks after kissing him «Ah, I thought it was obvious that I'll sleep with you tomorrow too»  the english replies. That with you instead of at yours makes the russian feel good. If his lover said "at yours" he would've felt like he was an hotel, while "with you" is more intimate. «Obviously» Alexsej says, then he kisses the englishman, who falls asleep in his arms since he worked a lot.

Obviously, since it was Alexsej's birthday, Albert and Andy prepared a birthday party for him, so at around 6 pm they go at Andy's and Andre's Apartment - which is basically the house of parties and meetings. When they enter, the only other person there is Florence. «A..and the others?» Albert asks, confused, when he enters. «I decided not to tell about the party to Oliver. I know you care a lot about him, but i had an argument with him a few days ago and he said indecent things about every person here.» Andy states. «I talked about it with Asra, but her boyfriend forced her to go with him at a work dinner because "she isn't safe with us".. I'm so sorry» Florence explains. «What the fuck does "she isn't safe with us" mean?!» Albert says, angry
«i think he's only insicure and he doesn't trust us» Florence says
«I hope Asra opens her eyes and realizes what kind of woman she has next to her» Andre says, a bit jokingly
«What do you mean?» Florence asks, acting like she doesn't know what they're talking about
«Florence, it's obvious you like-like her» the portoguese replies
«No? what are you talking about?» the blonde says, panicking
«Honey, i recognize when someone's in love, i can see it from the way you look at her. plus, ive seen you in gay bars many times» Andy says «you don't need to hide, with us you're safe»
«ok, maybe i do like her a bit» she finally admits, smiling.
The boys applaud.
«Since when?» Alexsej asks
«mhmm.. about a year» she replies
«about a year??» Albert exclaims, surprised
«yea. but.. i have to move on, i know she'd never love me back» the woman explains, regretful.
then the talk digresses.

Around 8 pm Albert gets up, in a hand there's his glass of wine, and in the other his lover's hand, then he starts speaking
«Silly me, i thought you were already 36..but today you actually turn 36. Im really happy that you're here,and that I've met you. I love you so much, thank you. Happy Birthday my love, Let's toast to you!» and then he kisses the russian. After the applauds, the guys toast to Alexsej and eat the cake. Finally it's the time of the gifts. «This is mine and Andre's one. We hope you like it» Andy says, giving him the gift. Inside there's a new sketchbook to draw. «Thank you guys»
«this is my gift, and this one is Asra's one, she wanted you to have it» Florence says. The blonde gave him a book about impressionism, while Asra gifted him a necktie. «Thank you Flo, it's really nice from you»
Now it's Albert's turn «Let's say this is the material gift.. you'll see the real one at home» he says, then winking at him. In the parcel there was a REALLY, REALLY big set of paint. «Thank you my love, you didn't need to» the Russian says, kissing hin on the cheek.

like at Asra's birthday, after a while they're drunk as fuck. Florence is slouched on the sofa as she starts talking
«Some nights ago i went to this gay&lesbian bar where i always go, 'kay? i went to take a drink and i met this three girls, all around 30 years old. The first one was beautiful, brown hair, green eyes-" «She quite looks like Asra» Andy comments "shut up. I was saying, she's really cute, no? so we talk for some time, then her friends come up: one is another brunette with dark eyes and eyeglasses, the other was probably asian and she had black hair and eyes. I talk with them too, and i end up talking about Asra. The one with eyeglasses, Margaret i think, tells me to confess my love; Andromeda, the pretty one, tells me to confess anonymously, but i don't know how! While the asian girl, Cam, told me to get over her and find someone else.»
«Try this: write her a letter by typewriter where you confess your love, and then you send it, no?» Albert proposes «sadly she knows everyone's address here!» the woman says «i guess I'll have to do it the old way»

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