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Bucky looked across the cafe to Willa who was sat on Matts lap in one of the plush chairs. After the fiasco in Central Park, they had all made their way here, where she wanted to be. She explained everything that had happened since she had left the compound, and her words hung heavy in the air. Her friends, aside from Morgan, were all in shock over it, and so was he. To hear that by sunset she'd die, he didn't want that to happen, none of them did, but as she said, it couldn't be changed.

'It all sounds..'.. Grace rubbed her forehead... 'Unbelievable. If I hadn't been there, I-..'

'I know..'.. Willa lifted her head off Matts chest, looking around at them all... 'I didn't even know myself, until Loki told me about it. The stories I heard growing up, thats all I thought they were. I'm not afraid of what's going to happen, I'm afraid of hurting all of you, and I'm sorry..'

'There's got to be something Wills..'.. Morgan paced about... 'Dad might know something..'

'By the time any of the team get to the compound and back to ask him, it'll be too late Mogs. It doesn't matter..'.. Willa tells her.

'Like fuck it doesn't matter!..'.. Morgan raised her voice, turning to Willa... 'Dad taught me everything he knew, he told me it all, and I spent years working through so much research. You're my friend, my family and I'm not standing by, while you give up..'

'I'm not giving up..'.. Willa stood, stumbling slightly, feeling herself weaken... 'If there was any other way, I'd tell you. Me holding the magic, my darkness would've snuffed out the light. I gave it back, only keeping a small amount to remain linked to Eowyn, and to save you. The sword was never the key, Nimueh was, she's excalibur..'

'Willa, you need to save your strength..'.. Wanda came to her side, wrapping an arm around her to hold her up... 'We'll all go back to the compound..'.. She looked over to Tony... 'How long until sunset?..'

'Less than two hours. Everyone's coming..'.. He said, standing straight... 'Let's go..'

Bucky strode over, scooping Willa up in his arms... 'Matt, you need help?..'

'I'm good..'.. He got up... 'I'm not leaving her side..'

'Wouldn't stop you..'.. Bucky said, and everyone started to file out of the cafe.

'I'll head straight back, and talk with the guy..'.. Tonys suit encased him, his mask covering his face.

'I'll come with you..'.. Sam's wings flicked out.

'As will I..'.. Vision moved to them.

'Yeah, good idea. Get back as fast as you can. I'll have Cho set up the med bay, well figure something out..'.. Tony took off, the other two following after him. The rest of the team and Willas friends picked up their pace, heading back to where they had landed the jet.

'Don't go to sleep..'.. Bucky glanced down at her, and saw a small smile on her lips.

'Not yet anyway, I don't want to waste these last few hours with you all..'.. She held onto him, and he could tell she was trying not to let her emotions go.

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