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Home sweet home

Marin said to herself and Catgirl that it had been 17 years since they had been back to Riverdale

Yes, home

She said back to her as they got the boxes out of the car and truck Catgirl found the box that her jacket and Serpent necklace was in and that said jacket and Serpent necklace were in a box that just happened to be in the trunk of her car she looked at the box and opened up to see her Southside Serpent jacket was on top and Serpent necklace was in a black box on top of the jacket. She looked at them and then closed the box and got the rest of her stuff out but the box that had all of her Southside Serpent stuff in it and closed the trunk and walked into the house with the boxes one on top of another in one hand and her other stuff in her another hand and her black tails caring the rest of her things.

Now no one knew that the mother and daughter were in the Southside Serpents or that the daughter Catgirl was going to get into a fight with her second cousin and best friend Betty or that she would leave Riverdale High School and would transfer to Southside High School to be with the other Southside Serpent kids and her other second cousin and her other best friend Toni Topaz. and to me, Jughead Jones also known at Southside High as the Serpent King who still needs to find a Queen and, yes,  Fangs will be fangirling all over Dead Rose the entire time she will be here in Riverdale. Maybe she has some input into Jason Blossom's murder, or where the missing chief medical examiner that is nowhere to be found.

You really for tomorrow?

She asked her

I guess I don't know mum I mean we left and

I know I know and if you are not ready to see them then you can wait till you are ready

She told her "I am going for a walk I will be back," Cat said to her "okay sweetheart oh be back by 11:00 O' clock (PM) okay?"

She told me okay I said to her and left pulling up my black hood as I walked out of the house. I walked around and remembered when I and my family still lived here before that day when we had to leave. And I wondered if I should go and see Molly but then I remembered that I needed to go and see where it happened.

What I am about to tell you may or may not shock you, okay, Riverdale is a quiet town or so I thought when I was 14  we lived in Riverdale and I became a Southside Serpent when I was 15 I was supposed to be a member at 17 but I got mine a little early why another girl who was named Penny yes Penny as in Penny the one who tried to hurt Jughead who was in love with the former leader the former Serpent King FP yes Jughaed's dad so Penny thought I had a thing for FP I mean yuck he was my mom and adoptive uncle's cousin well I broke all of Penny's bones in her left arm and hand makes 117 of her bones broke and that is how I became a Southside Serpent why Penny had this crush thing because her mom and dad told her that FP would be the next King of the Southside Serpents and all Kings needed a Queen yes, they put the hold Queen of the Southside Serpents into her head without knowing that FP was not only married but had two kids Jughead and Jellybean. Now then where I am going is to where I was well almost killed yes, I said almost why well it is like this you see I have five best friends and they are Betty, Toni, Cheryl, Molly, and, Victoria. Betty, Toni, Cheryl, and Victoria are in the Southside Serpent Molly is in no gang her mother is a Serpent and her father and stepmother do not want Molly to be one. Okay, the week coming up to my and brothers sisters, and two half brothers' birthday someone tried to kill me well two someone paid someone from the Ghoulies gang to well kill me with a knife that was dipped in Hg also know as Mercury but the that someone who was in the Ghoulies did not kill me he just slices my Southside Serpent jacket right sleeved and then my adoptive uncle found me only half dead  because Mercury takes a while to work it way to my heart but my mom and dad got me to Supernatural Hope Hospital and that is when they move us back to Aqua Terrace and for the last 17 years is where I have been until today that is.

Catgirl got to the place where she almost died Cat did all of this for Molly.

Out on his night run before going to the  Whyte Wyrm bar Archie was out running like he did every night as he was coming to the spot where one of the Ghoulies tried to kill someone he thought he saw someone but they left before he could get there. So he went on his way to the Whyte Wyrm bar to see his friends and girlfriend. And that is when things get crazy.

"Well I guess should go to the Whyte Wyrm bar and see what they are up to," Catgirl said to herself and she did jumping up to a tree and going from tree to tree.

Whyte Wyrm bar... 

"Woof, woof, woof"  went Hot Dog he had been breaking for well weeks, and no one knew how to get him to stop " Hot Dog please stop," Toni asked him why is he breaking like crazy Tallboy do something? I  said to him

The only one to make him stop is my niece  she is the only one who can make him stop

He told them just then Archie came in and asked what was up with Hot Dog they told him and then the wind picked up and well Hot Dog got Cat's sent and took off running to her.

I looked down to see HotDog what in the world I said and jumped down "woof" hi HotDog what are you oh I see I said picking him up I think I am going to take you home with me and the Serpent King can get you back tomorrow because I need some HotDog and me time

She said to him and left with him why her dog Loki was not coming for a few days.

"Mom I am home," Catgirl said coming in with Hotdog 3 let me guess he is acting crazy got your sent and came running?

"Yep," she said to her "here you go," she said giving her something "what is this?"


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