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“Ahh” A ten year old girl with long silky brown wavy hair, the most beautiful hazel eyes and a beautiful face to accompany it screamed. “Where is he? I want to see him, I want to see him, I want to see him!” she shouted as she rushed into the hospital.

“Tracy, stop running, you might slip and fall,” A woman who looked just like the bigger version of her shouted behind her before smiling and following gently after her.

Tracy pushed open the door of a room and smiled at the woman sitting up on the bed and resting on the headboard, “where is he Aunty Lucy, where is he?” she shrilled and ran straight to her on the bed.

“Easy Tracy, you don’t have to be so noisy,” Lucy, a blonde haired woman with beautiful gray eyes smiled affectionately to the girl, “the nurse went to bring him so I can feed him, so be patient, you will see him in a minute.”

“I can’t be patient any more Aunty Lucy, I have been waiting for nine months to see him, nine whole months!”

“Well, you will see him today, that’s a fact,” the woman entered the room and shut the door softly, she smiled knowingly to the tired Lucy, “she is giving you a hard time, isn’t she?”

“What do you mean, Naomi, my Tracy is the most well behaved girl in the world. I couldn’t ask for any better goddaughter. She is just excited to see her brother.”

Naomi smiled and walked up to her, “how are you feeling?”

“It’s been worse,” Lucy chuckled, “oh but I went through hell.”

“I can understand,” Naomi smiled.

“Thank you for being there for me Naomi, I really don’t know what I would have done without you.”

“Well, I can remember that ten years ago, I was in your place and you were in mine. Even though we were much younger then, you didn’t leave my side. I couldn’t ask for a better sister,” she kissed her forehead, “it’s always been both of us Lucy, and nothing is going to change that.”

Tracy groaned, disrupting their sister moment, “what is taking the nurse so long?”

Just then, the door pushed opened and a nurse walked in, carrying a baby. Tracy sprang to her feet immediately, shouting, “my little bundle of joy,” making the older women in the room to burst into laughter. “Can I hold him, can I hold him please,” she looked up at the nurse with her big hazel eyes.

“Aww,” the nurse smiled, “you will hold him but now he needs his mother okay?” she smiled and approached the women on the bed, “here you go, he looks really hungry,” she chuckled and handed him to Lucy who took him with teary eyes before leaving the room.

“When Brian died, I thought…” she sniffled, “I thought I will never see him again, I thought I will have nothing to remind me of him but pictures and memories, I didn’t know that nature has a plan for me. Can you believe this Naomi, we have been looking for a child for five years and it was the month he died that I discovered I was pregnant. Nature knew it would be taking something precious from me so it gave me another. But…it should have just let him live, just to see him, at least spend some time with him,” she started sobbing.

“Lucy, he is here,” Naomi hugged her, “he will always be here and now you are holding him in your arms, this time he will stay by your side forever.”

“Yes,” Lucy sniffled, “you are right, he looks just like him,” she lifted her baby up and kissed his chubby little face, “my sweet, sweet Brian…”

“No,” Tracy interrupted and they glanced at her, “his name is Nathaniel, we have agreed on that.”

“Yes Tracy, his name is Nathaniel Brian Wood, you can call him Nathan-Boo as you want.”

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