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The bell at the entrance of the café jingles slightly when he opens the door and lets me in.

"Thank you." I smile subtly and he follows behind me.
He stares around a bit before taking another step forward.
He holds my hand protectively and pulls me towards a booth.

"What was that for?" I ask when he lets me go.
"You wouldn't move, and I had already started walking." He chirps.
I roll my eyes and scoff.
Just then, a waitress walks up to us with a broad smile and a notepad in her hand.

"Hello." She says in a high pitched nasal voice. " I'm Aussy, and I'll be your server for the day." I smile subtly and she smiles back before clicking her pen.

"I'll just have blueberry muffins with cream cheese. That's all." I say and Cairus clears his throat.
"No, eat more. I'm the one paying after all." He says and the waitress blushes profusely.

After failing to convince him that I'm okay with just the muffins, I order a cup of coffee to satisfy his ego.

"Mya," he begins, his voice softer now, "are you happy with me?" His eyes search mine, a mix of hope and uncertainty flashing within them, his hand gently reaching for mine across the table.

I feel a lump form in my throat, my heart pounding loudly in my chest as his question hangs in the air. I glance away for a moment, unable to meet his gaze, unsure of how to respond.

"I... um..." I start, but the words catch in my throat, and I fall silent, feeling the weight of his gaze on me.

Cairus's hand withdraws slightly, a flicker of disappointment crossing his features. "You don't have to answer if you're not ready," he murmurs, his voice tinged with understanding.

I offer him a faint smile, grateful for his understanding, but inside, I'm wrestling with my emotions, uncertain of how to express them. I take a sip of my coffee, hoping to find solace in its warmth, but the question lingers in the air, leaving me with a sense of unease.

The sound of cars honking and motor vehicles revving outside the café are the only sounds that fill my ears as I quietly eat my food.

Great, now everything is awkward.

I push the remaining muffin away and let out a little huff of satisfaction while patting my belly.
I smile to myself quietly and I catch him looking at me, causing me to stop smiling.

"You're full?" He asks and I nod cheerily.
This is the only time he and I have met, alone.

"I'll be attending an event in a few days and I would love for you to be my un de plus. As my fiancee." He says and stares at me with his brown eyes.
I find myself being mesmerized by them and I blink rapidly to calm myself down.

"Um, sure." I simply reply. He smiles slightly and it instantly fades.
Come to think of it, this is the only time I've seen him smile. Well without having a dangerous intent to it.

As we leave the café, Cairus offers me his arm, and I loop mine through his, the weight of his proposal still lingering in the air between us. We step out onto the bustling street, the sounds of the city enveloping us once more.

As we walk, Cairus's demeanor shifts slightly, his gaze scanning our surroundings with a subtle alertness that catches my attention. I glance up at him, noticing the tension in his jawline, the way his hand subtly hovers near his pocket.

"Is everything alright?" I ask, a flicker of concern crossing my features.

He gives me a reassuring smile, but there's a hint of steel behind it. "Everything's fine, Mya. Just being cautious," he replies, his tone casual but his eyes betraying a sense of guardedness.

I nod, though a small seed of unease takes root in the back of my mind. Despite the warmth of his smile, there's a shadow of mystery that surrounds Cairus, a part of him that he keeps hidden from me.

As we continue our stroll through the city streets, I can't shake the feeling that there's more to Cairus than meets the eye, and I can't help but wonder what secrets lie beneath his charming exterior. But for now, I push those thoughts aside, focusing instead on the present moment, and the uncertain future that lies ahead.

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