He and She

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He, who I used to pick on every day
She, didn't exist in my world
He, and I used to be friends and did everything
She, once or twice saw her in the halls
He, didn't even live in Sackville
She, I never heard of before

He, became my only friend until now
She, her beauty and her kindness had made me her friend
He, the oldest friend who came back as a friend
She, became the most closest friend after a simple hello
He, joined my group of friends as a cool man
She, secretly loved me

He, became a friend who I mostly hung around with
She, trusted me with her heart
He, and I had so much in common
She, and I had known each other like a book and were inseparable
He, was trustworthy to everyone
She, just became my lover

He, hates me now
She, disappeared without saying goodbye
He, didn't want to take sides and talked to me during class
She, lost her love for me and afraid to talk to me
He, not a friend anymore, don't know what happened to him
She, still loves me

He, now are friends with whom we once hated
She, can't forgive me for letting her go
He, is never around, can't get hold of him
She, and I wished we could be together again
He, never have seen him since the lost
She, I had to give up, the cause of my lost

They were everything to me
My life, my love, my friends
Is it my fault? How do I get them back?
They are gone while I sit here and remember them
My life is like a tragedy. The movie fades to black
The rose pedals falls as each one is gone longer
He, She, He, She, He, Where are you?
She, no thanks to you.

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