Chapter 6: Eruption

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(WARNING: This chapter contains smut. Read at your own risk.)

                             ° ≬ ⤠ ✧ ⤟ ≬ °

I kissed him, forgetting about everything as I remembered how soft his lips truly were. How the feeling of my skin brushing against him sent warmth to places too long ignored. He was completely still against me, his lips not fully  moving against my touch. I brushed my fingertips against the back of his neck, which seemed to provoke some movement back.

That when he grabbed me and shoved me against the wall, his arm pressed against my neck and the other gripped the stone. It was as if his limbs were the only thing keeping him from me. A boundary he set for himself. His breath was ragged, as was mine. His eyes bit into my own.

"What do you want from me?"

I could have sworn his voice shook.

My heart hammered against my chest and I was sure he could feel my pulse slamming in my neck.

"I want..."

His eyes traced my lips.

"I want to fuck you."

"For business," he stated. It wasn't a question. His breath wavered.

"No," I responded.

I slid my free hand from where it sat by my side and brought my fingers to his bare chest, savoring the smooth coldness of it. His heart pounded against my warmed skin. My eyes traced the cut muscles of him, swallowing it all like it was a glass of water, before bringing my eyes back to his.

"What do you want, Feyd-Rautha?"

My voice didn't waver and seduction embedded its way into my body, and I subtly pressed my hips closer to his. He didn't speak, only watched my every movement, taking it all in before bringing his eyes back up to my face. He squinted ever so slightly, as if he could hide the pure desire in his limbs.

"Tell me what you want."

Maybe it was wrong, using the voice, but it felt unbelievably right when he spoke.

"I want to fuck you Margot."

He let out a breath of air that resembled a groan as he pressed his forehead against the stone beside me, conquered by the disloyalty of his body.

"And where do you want to fuck me?"

He brought his arms down and grabbed my hips, lightly rubbing the skin there. Teasing me. I could feel his breath on my neck.

"Everywhere, anywhere. I need you."

I brought my face over to his and lightly kissed his neck, pulling an aroused sound from his lips.

That's when he completely unwinded. He grabbed my neck with his smooth hands and pressed his lips on to mine, kissing me with a rabid intensity. I bit his lips ever so slightly, pawing at the muscles clenched on his chest. His rough kisses trailed down my neck, and a moan escaped my lips, causing him to amplify his movements.

I could already feel his hardness against me and I brought my hands down to his stomach, my fingers begging to feel the length of him. He stopped me, grabbing my wrists, and pulled back, looking at my puzzled expression. He met it with a smirk.

"You first."

I hardly had time to process his words as he picked me up by the back of my thighs, and I involuntarily wrapped my legs around his waist. He continued to kiss my neck fervidly as he brought me over to his bed, placing me under him.

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