⚠️ Sewn You a New Heart

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"To you, my darling, who I hand stitched the heart of a man whom it already had someone to flutter for inside of the cavity in your chest. Alas, when you stood from the ground I had sewn you upon I had already concurred the skip of your heart would never be mine. So, my dearest, imagine my shock when you clutched my forearm as I turn to leave so you may kiss me like I was the only one your heart could beat for." - ⭐

This is what the fic is going to be vaguely based off of! I say vaguely because I know somehow imma get off track and just start spewing random words that make no sense- the ship is Grizzy x BlargMySchnoople/Matt! This is probably one of my fav crack ships of the frouse- but context is not needed so, as a wise man once said, "letsa go!" - Luigi, my main in Mario Party

⚠️ Mentions of blood! Graphic depictions of gore/whump!! ⚠️

Matt's POV:

Sitting back on the heels of my feet my toes bend to accommodate the weight as I look down at the feeble needle in my shaky, bloody hands. I really just did that- with no prior experience I just sewed the heart of Puffer's girlfriend into Grizzy. How- in her last breathing moments she told me to save him. She was the only one who knew how I felt for him, the only one I had confessed to about my love for the man who I had just sewn up.

I felt like I might puke. It was a disgusting feeling, handling a human heart. Along with the current circumstances and lack of gloves I was now covered in the warm, red substance of it all. Looking at Grizzy my mind goes blank. Even covered in his own blood, as hers, maybe even my own, he still looked angelic.

Leaning down my eyes flutter shut and I press my ear against his chest, listening for the beating of a heart: the heart I had just put inside of him. Moments felt like minutes which felt more like hours as I waited to find a beat. One... Nothing- two... Nothing- three..- there! A beat. A single, lonesome beat but still a beat. A beat of Grizzy's new heart to prove he was alive.

With a sigh the tension in my body shifted to relaxation. The man below me would be out for a while I presumed, and when he awoke he would be in excruciating pain from the transplant that would most likely fail before being taken to a proper doctor to fix. But a beat was beat and a beat meant alive and alive meant there was still a chance in this dystopian world. All around us things were crumbling. The three of us, Grizzy, me and Puffer's girlfriend, Megan, had gotten separated from the rest of them. Sadly, Megan had taken a falling chunk of ceiling to the head after attempting to rush over to help Grizzy who had just fallen and gotten his heart pierced through. In her last moments she had told me to cut her open and save Grizzy.

'A broken heart can be fixed but a broken mind can never be managed.'

Tears ran down my face as I sliced Megan open. She was an amazing woman I had gotten close to in this post apocalyptic setting and always wanted to get along with better. Never did I imagine I would be listening to her heart through Grizzy's broad chest. It barely fits, their frames much different from each other.

More tears fell down my face as I curled up into Grizzy's side. I cried for what felt like days but was most likely a couple of hours before I couldn't find the tears to let out, so instead I just stared at the expanse of nothing.

There were no zombies or werewolves or vampires or ghosts to worry about. Just an overrun government and rioting community that torched the whole country while me and Smitty were visiting America and now here we are here.

I had covered Megan's body as best I could but I could still see her outline and I started to think, think about the fact that the heart in the man I love's body was already beating for someone else. The heart pushing blood through thin veins and thicker arteries would never flutter for me, only for Puffer. The heart controlled what you love after all, it's not the brains decision to love, but the hearts. So, I sighed, the reality was that if that is all true; Grizzy would never love me how I love him. He would love Puffer like Megan loved Puffer but Puffer would not love him back because despite his heart being Megan's his body wasn't Megan's. Grizzy was not Megan so it would simply be a never ending trail of hopeless pinning until something or someone killed them all.

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