Highschool AU

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I dug through my ship dynamics board on Pineterest (follow me on Pinterest, I'm cool I swear! The user will be at the end of the chapter!!) and I stumbled upon something a little silly. It was a poly-quad thingy and the four people in it were the golden boy, the sucu-bitch, the dilquent and the worshipper. And I was like hmmmmmm, I wonder what poor unfortunate 4 I can put into this dynamic and I'm like 'Pezzy, Puffer, Droid and Grizzy'. So, Droid is the worshipper, Pezzy is the sucu-bitch, Grizzy is the Golden boy and Puffer is the delinquent. I feel all these roles fit, y'know? So, I then was like- what setting can this be used in. Hrmmm, high school AU! So here, have these four in a highschool AU with this dynamic.

No beta, we die like my will to live writing this 😭😭

Pezzy POV:

It was another day in SouthEast high school. I, being the charmer and play boy I was, had people of every and any gender and sexuality falling to my feet. I ate the attention up, I loved the feeling of being so wanted. So, as I strode to my locker like I owned the place I winked and blew kisses to this person and that. I knew I was loved by everyone. I was feeling myself until I got to my locker and remembered just who was the locker next to mine. Chris. Or as he calls himself 'BigPuffer'. Stupid fucking name for a stupid fucking delinquent. Scoffing I roll my eyes and go to my locker, opening it and setting my backpack into it. I ignore the smell of that obnoxious cologne as I gather my things until I hear my name. Not my legal name, but-

"Pezzy!" Droid, better known as Jamie in the school but I call him Droid, shouted. Bouncing up to me with a beaming smile, nothing but adoration in his eyes. Droid has been my best friend since kindergarten and has always been my biggest supporter and was probably the person that loved me the most. I heard a scoff next to me as I hugged Droid from the side, the hug bending my back into an odd position as I hold my books in my right hand and hug with my left. Rolling my eyes at the snarky bitch next to me I smile up at Droid.

"Droid! Hey! How are you?" I ask the excited boy and he replies with that chipper tone he always has around me.

"I'm doing super good now! How are you? Doing ok being the sexiest man in the school?" Droid asks, teasing me but I smile and shake my head with a little giggle.

"Obviously, gotta live up to my sexy reputation." I reply and another scoff can be heard behind me. If Puffer wasn't clearly taller and stronger than me I would have knocked his teeth out by now. I was about to turn and shout at him until I heard Droid say something. Turning my attention back to him I see another guy, Nelson, if I remember correctly.

"Pezzy! I got a new friend! His name is Nelson but I call him Grizzly cuz he's like a big, huggable teddy bear." Droid says, bouncing off the balls of his heels and I can almost hear the hum of interest in Puffer's voice.

"Why not call him Grizzy? Make it unique to just him." I suggest as I size up the other boy. I then remember him, he's the proclaimed golden boy. He has done nothing to hurt anyone else or the school and always went out of his way to help every. No wonder Droid thought he was a teddy bear. Droid's eyes light up at the suggestion and he nods.

"That's an amazing idea Pezzy! You really are a genius." Droid says, beaming smile directed towards me.

"That's an amazing idea, why don't you kiss me, blah blah blah blah."  Puffer mocked, crudely impersonating Droid. That was the last straw for me. My fists clenched at my sides and I went to turn and confront Puffer about being a fucking bitch but Grizzy moving towards him stopped me. Instead of turning to face Puffer I followed Grizzy with my eyes and head to see him confront Puffer himself.

"Puffer, right?" Grizzly asks with a smile. He was being friendly when I would have already punched him in the face. Puffer looked a bit surprised but nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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