Chapter 22

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"O-oh... it's-!" Dallace starts to say but panicked and stops.

"It's...?" Ben continues.

"Order for Ben!" The cashier shouts.

"I'll go get that." Ben says, eyeing Dallace.

Ben gets up to get the drinks, me and Dallace immediately side eye each other, both of our eyes wide open.

"What the hell were you doing earlier!? Go to the bathroom and wash it off!" I whisper to Dallace.

Dallace seemed sad that I had silently yelled at him, but he doesn't hesitate to get up and rush to the bathroom. Ben seemed busy with the cashier, chatting I suppose. Luckily, Dallace has returned before he had finished talking. Dallace sat down as I quickly examined him. Soon, Ben walks over to our table once again.

"That cashier was so lovely. She thought I had a good fashion sense and when she saw I had F/A (Famous Author) merch bracelet she was ecstatic! Who knew such a beautiful woman like her would like F/A as much as I do?" Ben says smiling from ear to ear.

"That's great to hear Benny, you get her number?" I say, trying to sound thrilled as an attempt to try to move on from the red splotch situation.

"No, of course not!" Ben says sadly.

"Well go on then. It's not like she's gonna leave right this moment."

"No... I shouldn't. I mean I'll only be in town for a week! Besides, I'm way too obsessed with work as it is. I wouldn't be able to make anytime for her anyway."

"Benny, come on! Live a little, phones exist for a reason you know."

"I know... but-!"

"But nothing! Go ask."

  Ben gives me a shy smile and gets up from his chair to the counter. I could hear their faint chatter as I admired them too from afar.

"Darling." Dallace said, grasping onto my hand.

"Yes?" I answer, turning my head to him.

"Next time we go out? Could you avoid looking so..."

  I look at him suspiciously as I wait for his answer. He continues, "...So gorgeous."

"Dally, you scared me!" I said, hitting him playfully on the shoulder.

"I'm being serious! Do you always wear such nice outfits? I mean it's impressing me, but that also means other men might glance at you when they shouldn't, because you're mine after all." Dallace said genuinely annoyed as he eyes all the guys around us.

"Alright, if jeans and a tank top is too much for you then maybe I shouldn't wear it around the house anymore either." I smirked.

"What!? No! You know I love it when you wear your cute tank tops! I meant outside you know? You know I meant just outside and not indoors  right? You 100% know that I was talking about just around any other breathable, disgusting, useless person, preferably any man, other than me, Right!?" Dallace rambles.

"I know, I was just teasing." I laughed.

  Dallace huffed at my comment but quickly put  on his normal act when Ben headed our way. He came back with a smile and a bit of a rosy blush on his cheeks.

"How did it go?" I ask intently.

"Amazing! We talked a bit about ourselves and she said she goes to visit family back in (Country) all the time! So she'll be able to visit me whenever she comes. It's like were meant for each other!" Ben said ecstatically.

"Alright lover boy. I know your all caught up in your little romance movie, but I wanna know what's been going on since we last spoke! Any hobbies you've taken on? Oo~ what about painting like I had suggested?"

"Oh... painting. Yeah, let's just say that hobby ended with Toby's wedding "realistic" painting being two stick figures."

  I gasped but quickly burst out laughing at the thought of it.

"What the hell were Toby's and Maya's reaction to your "realistic" painting of them!?" I say in between heavy laughs.

"Shush! It's not even funny! I really did try you know? Besides, they weren't even mad! Mostly because they had planned another actual professional painter cause they had already guessed I would screw it up." Ben said embarrassingly as his shade of pink slowly appeared.

  I laughed hysterically as Ben and Dallace sat in silence. Ben being too embarrassed to utter another word and Dallace not wanting to make fun of him and laugh, even if he desperately wanted to. I realized that Dallace didn't know who Toby was so I decided to introduce him.

"By the way, were just talking about my old best friend, Toby, back in our hometown." I said.

'Seriously Y/N? More competition? How many guys can you possibly be familiar with?' Dallace thought to himself.

"Oh yeah, that's cool." Dallace said blankly.

  Me and Ben chatted back and forth, just catching up and talking about plans for the future.

"So, how many kids?" Ben smirks.

"W-what!?" Dallace chokes on his coffee he was sipping. Finally including himself into the conversation.

His face had gotten red almost immediately. I grabbed a napkin for him as I cleaned up whatever mess Ben had caused.

"Ben." I groaned.

"I'm just joking, you two are so young. After all, you guys need to get married first. Speaking of which. Dallace, when are you proposing?" Ben asked.

"Well, we've been together for 5 months, we haven't really talked about all of the important stuff yet." I said.

"Well if you two were serious about your relationship, then you'd have talked about it by now wouldn't you?" Ben said.

"Oh shut up Ben, you said it yourself. Were young, we still have so much time until we have to think about that." I replied with a roll of my eyes.

"Alright, no need to get so slouchy Mrs. Smalls." Ben laughed.

"Hey! Don't even compare me to that witch!" I said then turned to Dallace, "Mrs. Smalls was our middle school counselor, she always used to give us these gross candy's that tasted so artificial. And she'd make us hug it out anytime she caught us pushing each other in the halls. Every time it'd happen she'd take us to her office that smelled like expired yogurt during lunch to talk about the meaning of sibling love. I swear she always targeted us!"

  We all laughed. Ben glanced at Dallace and finally decided to ask, "Hey Dallace, i've been wondering. You hair has a red streak on it, did you recently dye it or are you just good at maintaining that kind of red."

"Oh, well I just uhm... am good at maintaining it." Dallace said with a clearly fake smile.

  Ben didn't seem to notice anything wrong with it and smiled back. For a detective, Ben is quite dense. I look at Dallace suspiciously, as I too, wonder why Dallace had that streak. And why had he lied about it? Dallace glanced at me but, avoided my staring? His red streak had appeared the night I first met him. And it had appeared, he didn't dye it, which makes me think. How did that red streak even appear in the first place?

After a while, it was time to part ways. We said our goodbye's and headed to our car. I sat down. And instead of connecting my phone to the car to play music, I asked Dallace something.

"Dally, why do you have that red streak in your hair? It just kind of appeared the night we met. How is that even possible?"


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