Chapter 31: Lucas

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Everything became fast-paced from then on.

Iris wouldn't stop worrying about what was going on in the pub, and Mary and Jerald wouldn't come out. I tried to calm her down with words of affirmation, which dulled when a police car pulled up in front of the building.

We ran out of the car and headed towards the door, and were met halfway by the police, who were dragging Iris's mother and the beefy guy in handcuffs.

"Wait, why is she in handcuffs?" Iris asked an officer who was dragging her mother away.

"She is affiliated with the crime," he replied, pushing her into the SUV parked in front of the pub.

"What crime".

"Rape". The officer seemed rather too annoyed by Iris's questions, I wanted to stop her but I also wanted answers. "We will be taking her to the nearest police station, if you want more details you can follow us there".

The muscular guy was pushed into the car next and the police officers got in next before driving off the grounds, leaving Iris staring at the cars behind, horror evident on her face as her breaths picked up their pace.

"My Dad, Dad yes let's go ask him," she said, exploding into a sprint into the pub.

I followed after her, not wanting her to get into trouble again. We passed by the alcohol-smelling guys that had been giving us trouble before with ease as Iris pushed them aside for her to pass. She squeezed in between them, not minding their sweaty bodies or their drunk selves. I kept on her tail, not wanting to be left behind until we reached the crime scene.

Mr Morris was covering his face as if he was crying over the fact that his wife had just been taken. I was a bit left behind, but I noticed Iris come to a halt when she reached the table with the couple from before, now looking at her father.

When I reached Iris, I noticed her drained facial color as her hands gripped my hoodie by the chest. I raised my head towards her Dad the person she was looking at, and I could tell why she was pale. Even my blood felt cold in an instant.

Her dad was covered in blood as if he had been scratched on the face with sharp objects. Mary was dabbing the parts of his palms his face wouldn't cover. I patted Iris on the shoulder and she staggered a little, before gaining composure and walking steadily towards her Dad.

Why was everything going way wards this weekend? I reached for Mr Morris and grabbed him by the shoulders.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Let's go outside, and please cover my face". He commanded.

I sprung into action and shielded him with my body from the prying eyes, before leading him out of the pub. My dad made people move out of the way, and Mary helped Iris, who was still staggering a little to walk fast.

Poor princess.

"Here's some water!" Jerald said moments later after we were outside.

"Where were you?" I asked him.

"Getting water and a first aid kit" he replied, " now get out of my way we have an emergency".

I did as instructed and let Jerald do his thing, before making my way to Iris. They had opened the door for her and made her sit with her legs outside. The color hadn't fully returned to her face yet.

"Are you okay?" I asked once I was kneeling before her. She nodded.

"Don't worry we will get through this," I mumbled, not even sure about the words myself.

So much had happened in two days, that took a toll on our traumatized selves. Betrayals, fights, surgery, loss of money, and parents popping out of nowhere. It was frustrating enough to mask the good that had also happened in those two days.

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