What If...The Characters Found Out They're Not Real?

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Me: Alright, how's it going, everybody? Today I have a special chapter for you! I recently reached 100 followers on unvale, so I decided to do a special something! *Snaps fingers and all the characters of TCC appear in the room*

Brutus: *looks around* What the hell? What are we all doing here?! *He looks at me* Who in the gods's names are you?!

Xerkhon: Watch your mouth, Brutus. *Xerkhon looks around and notices all the other gods* WHAT THE FU-

Norzelrin: *looks at me angrily* What is the meaning of this? Who are you, and why have you brought us all here?

Me: I'm here to say that none of you are real. You're all characters in a story I write.

Zetarus: What are you talking about? We are very much real.

Yuri: Yes, if anyone isn't real, it's you! *He draws his katanas* Whatever it is, I'll cut the answer out of you!

Me: *snaps fingers, then Yuri drops his katanas and starts slapping himself* If I'm not real, then why are you hitting yourself?

Shana: *Giggles* Whoever you are, I like you. You don't seem bad.

Spiritus: *Smirks and spits fireballs at Yuri's feet to make him jump*

Sakoa: What the hell is all of this? *He frantically looks around* Who are all of you?

Camilla: You are my son. *She extends a hand* Come with me.

Terra: *watches silently*

Sakoa: I don't know who the hell you are! *Shoots crystals at Camilla*

Eclipse: *sneaks around to get to Xerkhon and snatches his mask* Ha! Take that, you jerk!

Rillon: Good job, man! *He runs over and high fives Eclipse*

Xerkhon: *he summons a greatsword and points it at Eclipse* Give it back, or you will die.

Solaris: *Walks over to stand between them* I don't think so, Tartaros. You will not harm him or his champion. *Takes mask back from Eclipse and starts to give it back to Xerkhon, but a gust of wind snatches it*

Ventus: Ha, it's mine now! *He flies around*

Solaris and Eclipse: *walk up to me*

Solaris: Are we truly characters in your story?

Me: *turns from watching the chaos to look at him* Yeah, although you and Eclipse actually belong to my best friend Doom so you're kind of like guest stars. Unfortunately, he couldn't be here today.

Solaris: I see.

Delveros: *walks over to Lonril* Lonril! Have you found me a successor yet?

Lonril: I apologize, but I have not. I sense they are in the room somewhere, though.

Brutus: *storms up to Xerkhon* Tartaros?! I knew it!

Lorelei and Seraph: *goes over to Brutus*

Lorelei: Brutus, what are you doing?! Don't try to attack a god!

Xerkhon: *smirks* Yes, listen to your lover. It will not end well for you.

Lorelei: L-lover? *Blushes*

Seraph: *growls at Xerkhon*

Yuri: *is still slapping himself while Shana and Grelnar are watching*

Grelnar: Ha ha ha! That's what you get!

Rothzal: *Sneaks up on them but Shana turns around in time*

Shana: Dad! It's that purple jackass!

Rothzal: How dare you call me such a thing! Mother, let us destroy them!

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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