Chapter 15

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Few days have passed since the tea party at House Walter happened. Lia is seated at the chair under the big tree located at their backyard. She is enjoying the fresh air that she can feel dampened at her skin. She closed her eyes.

A sudden footsteps approaching caused her to open her eyes and looked at direction of it. She saw her brother Claine approaching. She noticed he was holding a paper on her right hand. Claine stopped in front of her,

Hello brother. Lia said smiling. Claine returned it with a small smile.

Sister, a letter arrived, addressed for the two of us. Claine said suddenly got a serious face. Curious, Lia asked him, From whom, brother?

From the palace. Specifically the Crowned Prince Simon. Claine said. Lia straightened her back upon hearing her brother's reply. She knew it must be urgent as it was from Simon.

What does it says? Lia asks

We are needed at the Supremacy, now.

Lia abruptly stood up, alarmed.

Am I ready for this? Lia thought

It must be urgent. Maybe an assembly because of a mission. Lia thought.

Well, I need to talk to father, first. I need his permission. Lia said.

Alright. Go to his office first. Remember to say that you got an invitation from the Crowned Prince. Claine said.

Lia replied with a nod and started walking back to the mansion through the back door.

The Duke gave permission to Lia. As he can't oppose the Crowned Prince as the invitation was directly came from the palace.

Lia was changing into a dress, she chose a much less bubbled dress, simple and light one, she wants to move freely and without difficulties. Her mind then flew somewhere, What if, in the long run, father will suspect me of visiting the palace often times. It is impossible for him not to notice that I am up for something. He will soon realize and discover it. I just have to brace myself for the impact of her scolding.

Claine and Lia were on their way to the palace riding a carriage. Upon arriving, the two went straight to the West Wing and entered the Supremacy. They entered a different door this time, it was a meeting room.

Lia was taken aback at the sight. There was a table seated was the members with authorities in the Supremacy. She awkwardly followed her brother and sat next to him.

On the center seated the boss, Damien. On his right is Prince Simon with a smile plastered on face looking at her. She smiled back at him. Her eyes then landed to Damien. He was already looking at her with emotions she can't seem to read. Lia doesn't understand if he's mad or bored or irritated.

After a second the meeting started. Alaric began to talk seated at the left of Damien. The meeting only attended by the boss, underboss, 4 Consiglieres, and 4 Capos.

You were all called for this meeting to discussed about the new mission for the Kingdom of Verdencia's upcoming war against the Kingdom of Nemosora. Alaric explained.

Lia roamed her eyes around the people in the room and they are seriously listening to Alaric. Her eyes then landed on Damien. He is leaning back on his seat and her right arm is resting on the chair handle. Her point finger was touching his lips.

His eyes landed on his lips. She gulped while watching it.

He's attractive, physically. I don't deny that. But he has this vibe that I can't seem to explain and that's making him so much more attractive. Lia thought.

He screams authority. The way he sat there strongly confirms that he is truly an Alpha. Lia added on her thoughts.

Oh gosh. What am I thinking? I don't know that I am even capable of thinking this way. Lia said on her mind, closing her eyes as a sign of disappointment to herself.

Well, I guess it is only natural to be attracted to a person this handsome. There's nothing wrong with that, this is just a little crush i guess. Physical attraction, yes Lia, that's right! Lia thought then let out a deep sigh.

The Emperor of Nemosora, Emperor Cassius, according to inventigations, wanted to expand his territory. Alaric continued.

Well, we all know that the geographical location of the two kingdom is prone to territorial conflicts. Their lands are contiguous. Amira said.

Lia looked at her while she's talking and she is amazed, she looks like a female boss. She moves like a man.

Then her eyes roamed around the people again and landed at Damien's. He's looking at her already. Lia stopped breathing for a second and immediately looked the other way. She became self conscious.

This territorial dispute is actually expected already. Prince Simon said.

Emperor Sadon asked for help and presented benefits to give us since a month ago already. Alaric said.

What does he want? Damien asks huskily.

Wow, what a voice. It sounded like a bedroom voice! Oh gosh. Lia thought.

Verdencia is actually a small kingdom and their territory is contiguous with Nemosora, they receive several attacks this past few years.

They want sure win for their war. Alaric replied.

Damien adjusted her sitting position and leaned over to the table.

Boss, if they truly want sure win for their war. We just need to give plan for war tactics. We don't need to send the Capos and troops to their kingdom to fight alongside them. Baird said. One of the Consiglieres of Supremacy and the second son of a Count.

Baird is right boss, we can do the usual. We're only creating enemies if we fight against Nemosora. Amira said.

I agree with Amira and Baird, boss. Its not worth the fight. Carac, one of the Consiglieres said.

Lia on the other hand already knew her co-consiglieres since her brother Claine already helped her and introduces them.

Lia noticed that all the Consigliere are mostly doing the talking here in the meeting. But they definitely don't have the full authority because if the Capos don't agree with them. It will affect the decisions of the boss and underboss.

She noticed that all the Capos nod gesturing they agree with the advisors' decision. They also don't want to risk their lives for the war that is not theirs to care in the first place.

Let's do that. What's your suggestions for war tactics, Consigliere's? Damien said calmly.


Ivory Rogers'

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