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WARNING: This chapter includes a scene that is not suitable for young readers.

The day has come for Lia to travel and move in with his fiancée Damien in his household. She felt nervous living in an unfamiliar place. There are a lot of things that may happen, and she doubt herself of surviving it. She gripped her hand firmly and closed her eyes. She uttered a silent prayer to release her worries and ask for guidance.

She is now ready to go. Her luggages are placed on the entrance of their mansion and the whole family was standing by the door.

The Archduke's carriage was approaching the entrance.

As they parked it on the side, a smile was visible on the Duke's face as he walked out of the carriage. He looked excited.

Lia looked at her elder sister and saw her eyes watering, her face was red. She looked happy but at the same time sad that her younger sister is leaving the house. She thought that she was ready for this but she was wrong. She would never be ready seeing her sister leave the house.

Claine on the other hand has a sad smile while he looked at his youngest sister. Lia returned the sad smile he had.

Everyone was emotional today.

Lia took a deep breath. A soldier went down from the other carriage and went to get the luggages she needed to bring with her after he gave a curtsy to the whole family. He then placed it inside the carriage.

Damien went to Duke Clemence with a smile that's been rare to find. They greeted each other and proceeded to Claine for a greeting. He received a curtsy from Clarice which he gladly nodded as a response.

He slowly approached Lia with a smile on his face and said,

Are you ready my love?

Lia nodded in response and took a deep breath. She forced a smile but the nervousness was visible on her face.

The whole ride to the carriage was silent. Damien is enjoying the view in front of her. The face of Lia with her eyes closed.

After minutes of ride, the carriage halted. Lia opened her eyes and looked out the small window.

They arrived at the Lancaster Archdukedom.

Damien went out of the carriage and assisted Lia to get down it. The moment Lia looked at the surroundings she was amazed by the extravagance of the mansion, it is twice as big as the Yorkshire mansion.

Lia and Damien walked up the stairs with three steps to the entrance door. Damien is holding her hand as they walked slowly. From there, she saw all the servants lining up on the side of the pathway inside the lobby of the mansion. The area is massive for just a lobby and Lia can't help herself not to wonder her eyes around.

She looked at the servants as they walked slowly.

Why are they so serious? Lia took a deep breath as she looked at the faces of the servants. All of them seems like difficult to get along with.

Tch, is she angry? What's with that face? Lia thought as she looked at a maid who's face wasn't really happy seeing her. She shrugged the expressions that welcomed her in the mansion.

A maid with a different attire in her 50s walked close to Lia and Damien. She has the strict teacher vibe on her.

Greetings, Lady Cyrillia Yorkshire. My name is Marrise and I am the head maid of this mansion. It was nice to finally have your presence here. Marisse said.

Lia gave her a smile and replied,

It was nice to meet you too, Marisse. Thank you for this warm welcome. Lia said, although in her mind, everything was opposite. The welcome they gave was never warm, but rather cold.

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