🍋 ch 12 🍋

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waking up in a white field full of daisies, is not what most people expect. people experience this everyday, people die everyday, but not everyone wakes up in a field full of daisies. some people go to hell, some end up in heaven, some in the in between.

avi woke up and was surrounded by the white daises, not knowing where she was at first. she looked back through the clouds and saw people pushing on her chest, trying to get her to breathe again. dad was pushed out of the room, crystal comforting him.

she looked around the daises and wanted to see if anyone else was there with her, one other person was.

as she walked closer to this person, she realized it was two people talking. one looked like her mom, and she didn't recognize the other girl.

it was a little girl, only looked under ten. the little girl looked back, and gasped out.

the mom turned around and looked aviana up and down. "aviana?" "mom? i miss you so much." she cried. "darling, shhh, it's alright, i'm here." the mom said.

"do you remember me?" aviana asked. "yes, i do, you were my sweet little flower."

"what about me mommy?" the little girl piped up. "and you too emily." "who is this girl?" the little girl asked.

"she's my daughter." "but i thought i was your daughter?" little girl was confused.

"you are both my little girls. you were so young when you made it to this lovely place."

the little girl looked at aviana, and asked, "how did you find out about this place?" brown eyes looked into green.

"i was in a shark attack, it bit off my–" but her leg was with her, she didn't even see it tearing. it was all there.

"it bit off your leg?" the little girl asked.

"yeah..." she replied.

"did the shark look you right in the eyes, and then swim off?" she asked.

aviana answered, "yeah, it looked me dead in the eyes, and swam off."

"that was the shark that attacked me, twenty-three years ago."

"that shark must really hate us." aviana said, just out loud.

"i know, and i then passed away. mommy was sad." she looked to her mom.

"i was sweet girl." the mom kissed emily's forehead.

aviana wanted to ask the question, but she didn't know if they would know. it's weird meeting her twenty-eight year old sister, as a five year old.

they looked so happy together, something that she and her mom had, but they lacked it so much. they never went out because she was out doing god knows what or her mom had cancer. they couldn't hang out.

"you look like you're thinking about something? ask your question." emily said.

"will i ever leave this place? am i supposed to die at sixteen years old? am i supposed to live my life?" she spout out all the questions she had.

"you will leave this place, your time will come. you are not supposed to die at sixteen, and yes, you are supposed to live your life, just how you would want it to be." emily answered.

"when will i go back, because i miss my dad, kaden, whoever else i have made friends with. i want to see them again."


"what do you mean by now?"

"right now."

and aviana felt a hand on her chest and then a whoosh of wind brought her back down in bed.

she was breathing again.

truth, she didn't know that she flatlined for days.

even though it only felt like hours to her. 

wow...two (rewritten) updates in one day...??

- ash 🤍🤍

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