27 - New Event! -

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[Edgar POV]

Colt and Shelly... they're remarkable. Colt turned to stare at me. Shelly and Colette were chatting peacefully. Then Colt paused, walking back to me. "What now?"

"This is a warning, you have permanently killed a brawler, under normal circumstances, you would be removed off the brawlers list, but due to your popularity you have been saved of that." Colt said, frowning indignantly. "Shelly, shall we go brawl?"

Shelly smirked. "Nice to meet you Colette." She jumped onto Colt and kissed him again. "I've been waiting all day for you to say this, then I can beat you again!"

Colt scowled as they walked away. "I've told you I'M better!"

"Meh meh..." She murmured. As soon as they went out of sight, Colette laughed.

"Shelly's so nice! And Colt is literally perfect with her. It's a match made in heaven." She sighed longingly.

I frowned, she wants a relationship, a proper one, like one that is truly romantic. I slowly walked up to Colette. "We can be just like them if you wish." I whispered, bringing her into a tight embrace. 

Colette blushed as she leaned against me.

The press against my lips, soft, and totally perfect. I sighed in relief. Let's make this relationship better. I thought as I slowly pushed away. "Uhm. Edgar? Can we go brawl too?"

I nodded, smiling sweetly at her.

[15 minutes later]

"What should we do? Knockouts?" I asked Colette who was checking out the different maps and mods.

"Hmm. There's this new Godzilla event. Should we try it out?" She asked as she eyed an event which was obviously popular.

"Uhh. Sure."

Colette peeked her head around a corner to a map and nodded. "Think it's this one." I turned to look and I almost let out an audible gasp. The map was literally a city of buildings, one side blue, one side red.

"Let's do it then." I walked down to the map and the lights flickered on.

"Competitors for Godzilla City Smash are....! On the blue team, Edgar, Colette and Fang!"

"FANG?" Colette gasped, she whipped around and saw Fang casually leaning on one of the buildings.

"Hey." He said, even more casually, stretching.

"And on the red team, Colt, Shelly and Emz!"

"Emz?? Come on." Colette mumbled.

"Godzilla City Smash starts in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, brawl!"

I scanned the buildings on the other side and gasped as I saw a huge... thing. It was like a dinosaur but bigger?

Then as I turned, there was one on our side. "That's Fang." Colette told me as she rushed to the enemy side to destroy buildings.

I followed, killing Emz and Shelly and attacking their building relentlessly, Fang on the other hand in his dinosaur thing, could destroy buildings easily.

Colette suddenly zoomed past me, yelling out, "Keep going Edgar! Woooaaah!" I chuckled to myself as she swung some of her heart shaped ammunition and came whizzing right back after killing Colt.

Super. My scarf nudged my back, trying to tell me to use it. "Of course. Will you take me to our dinosaur, Fang?" I wondered. A second later, I was there, fighting off Emz with her intoxicating hair spray and Shelly's multiple shotgun attacks.

30% of red's city down, 50% of ours. This should be easy. I punched at the buildings, destroying at least 5% before Colt charged out of nowhere and shooting me.

Urgh. I thought as he did a thumbs down at me. A moment later, I was spawned back in, right in front of red's Godzilla. I clenched my teeth and ran to him, swinging my scarf. Super! The Godzilla attacked, using his super and shooting out a, what seemed to be, laser beam around, killing me again.

Red's on 20% but we're on 30%. "Edgar!" Colette. "Come destroy the buildings, it's more important! Use your super!" She yelled, using her to charge at Emz who was coming towards our city.

I nodded, my scarf instantly taking that as a clue to jump forwards. I lashed out at Shelly and putting my shield up as Colt joined her. Sighing, I ducked behind one of the buildings, shielding from Colt's bullets.

"Come on Colette! 4%!" I yelled. Fang suddenly gasped in his dinosaur body as it suddenly disappeared. F*ck. I continued whacking at the buildings, ignoring the fact that Fang was rather slow at coming to help.

HOW IS OUR CITY ALREADY AT 4% AND THEIR'S WERE STILL 2%. I hissed in frustration as I smacked it a few more times. "YESSS!!!" Colette suddenly yelled, her heart shaped projectile smashing down the city and ending the game.

Wait what? "Damnnn! That's fun!" Colette said happily, bounding off to find Fang. What just happened? I stood frozen until Fang called me over.

"Fang. When were you here?" I asked, sitting down beside him.

"Oh. You know, the usual, around five. A little earlier." He said casually.

"Five?" I spluttered.

"Yeah. That's normal right?"


OMG. sorry for not posting. I've had a whole LOT of assessments and stuff and im so busy and yeah. im legit so sorry. ahhhh. forgive me. it's literally midnight rn. ill do my best to post a teeny bit more. byebye!!!

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