✧18. Mockery Of The Sub✧

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(The 7th day of being with Jin)

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(The 7th day of being with Jin)

The next day dawned as Yoongi found himself in Jin's car, en route to his own mansion after a prolonged absence.

Sitting alone in the backseat, he gazed out the window, observing the passing scenery with nostalgia. The distance between Jin's mansion and his own stretched out before him like an endless road.

During the drive, he couldn't shake off the weight of Jin's hesitant words.

"Yoongi's details and photo are among them too, which means, Yoongi, you are going to be one of the human subjects in their experiment."

The room fell into a stunned silence as the weight of Jin's words sunk in.

"What?" Taehyung's voice carried a mix of disbelief and concern. "Are you serious?"

Jin nodded. "I wish I weren't," he murmured, his tone heavy with worry. "But we can't ignore this. We need to take extra precautions, especially for you, Yoongi."

Yoongi's nodded, "I understand," he replied. "I'll be extra careful from now on."

Jin's gaze softened as he looks at him. "Good," he said. "We'll work together to ensure your safety. And if you ever feel uneasy or notice anything suspicious, don't hesitate to let us know immediately."

Taehyung's voice then wavered with hesitation as he began. "Um, well, something else happened in class today," he started, his tone cautious.

Yoongi's prompted, "What happened?"

Taehyung continued, "The student who locked you in the basement was absent, and no one seems to know where he is." He paused briefly before adding, "And the senior who had a confrontation with you the other day, he showed up in class. He was looking for you, but when he couldn't find you, he laughed and made a remark about you knowing your place now."

Yoongi's expression darkened, his jaw tensing with frustration. "What else did he say?" he asked.

Taehyung hesitated before revealing, "He told one of the students to inform him if you ever return to class. He said he'd need to teach you another lesson if necessary."

With the events of the previous day weighing heavily on his mind, Yoongi sat in the car, his breath escaping in a soft sigh.

As he leaned back, his eyes drifted shut, welcoming the cool breeze that swept through the open window. He then made a silent resolve.

Whatever unfolds tomorrow, the day he returns to college, he refuses to bear responsibility for the consequences, even if it means confronting that arrogant senior once more.

Who the fuck is he to trifle with Min Yoongi, the mafia king?

Yoongi finally reached his mansion and as he stepped out of the car, the driver bowed his head respectfully.

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