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Three hours later, when the strong scent of vanilla was attached to his skin in the best ways, he blew out the candle and slipped out of the office, tightly locking each of the four locks on his way out. Maybe some would call him a bit paranoid, to be so sure that no one would enter, but the very last place he wanted anyone was his safe space. He refused to let anyone in there when they weren't supposed to be, even if there was nothing of value in there to steal. It wasn't that he was worried that someone would steal something – he trusted each and every one of his men with his life – but it was more that it was private. One of the perks of being in charge was that he was allowed his spaces – two of them – where no one was allowed in except him.

With a final stroll around the inside of the building, he made sure each of his men were out of the main areas and tucked away where they were supposed to be before he went down the hallway to his own bedroom. It was across the west wing of the house, separated from everything except his second's and his third's rooms, both of which were also in the west wing, and it was enough. It was good to have that distance, another ritualistic and slightly symbolic aspect of being able to separate Boss from Jungkook .

He allowed a few of his men to live alongside him – but only the ones he trusted dearly. His house stood tall in the corner of Northern Seoul, and even with all of his money, it only had six bedrooms. He took the master, on the farthest of the southward wing of the house, then Yoongi and Jimin were in the two other rooms at that end of the home – then on the other end were the other three. He currently had Hoseok and Namjoon staying in those rooms. They didn't stay too long, usually, since he did make them pay rent, but it was a place to stay if they lost a lease or anything were to happen. The last room had been his as a child – and it held a place far too dear to his heart to really rent out to anyone who just came along. He'd rented it out twice in the last few years, but it was always to someone he trusted very dearly.

When he found that the house was empty of anyone who wasn't meant to be there, he returned to his side of the house to settle in for bed.

But, as the door came closer, he heard several smacking and banging sounds that – well – were concerning.

Jimin 's door was wide open, but he was passed out on top of the duvet of his bed and snoring softly. Jungkook sighed with a fondness and then closed the door and continued down the hall. With even steps and a concerned expression, he opened his bedroom door to find a man – a fully grown man – attached to his bedpost, digging through his drawers and throwing things around as he shouted. "What the fuck!" The boy screamed as soon as Jungkook came in through the door, and then a shoe smacked him right in the face.

Jungkook wasn't one to quickly anger. He held his irritation tightly until it was all ready to come out all at once – and the person on the other side usually regretted it as soon as they realized they'd pushed him to that point. But he had to remind himself that this boy – this man – had done nothing wrong, that his father was the guilty one, not him. So he held his temper.

"If you stopped throwing my things, perhaps I could explain a few things to you. I'm sure you have... questions." A box of condoms from the drawer beside his bed smacked him in the chest, and he just sighed. He crossed his arms and waited, watched as this kid – he'd call him a child if he continued to act like one - grabbed everything in his reach and tossed everything at him and around until he went to reach for the pillows. "You're sleeping there tonight, and if you toss those away, you're sleeping without them. I'm being kind enough to give you that, so I suggest you respect it." A glance into the drawer proved that he'd run out of things to throw, and that – that actually amused Jungkook .

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