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This is going to be harder than I thought.

Isabella's plans seem so simple to do. I could easily follow it and achieve the goal of it. All I had to do was befriend Soren or get close enough to him.

This would lead to him becoming vulnerable to let down his walls and tell me everything. I then would use whatever told me against me in some way, at least that is what Isabella told me.

She didn't explain that part of it yet. But she did say something about this plan already being in my favor since Soren was already 'hanging on by a thread'.

When I first heard the plan I thought it was ridiculous. But then she mentioned how betrayal can't hurt an angel physically and mentally. The pain would last for ages and it could even kill them.

It's the best kind of revenge is how Isabella put it.

I just wanted vengeance for myself or to hurt him in a way that could even be close to how he hurt me. It feels wrong to be so conflicted, on whether or not I should hurt him. Torment him like he did me. It was the game Isabella said Soren was playing with me.

Befriending Soren is the easy part. He wants my forgiveness and he would do anything for it. The hard part is being around him, given our history.

The thought of-


Somebody said knocking me out of my thoughts. I turned to see that it was Isabella herself, sitting in the driver's seat.

I blinked my eyes a couple of times before answering,


She let out a sigh and turned to look at me. "You have about five minutes before the bell rings and you're late for class."

I turned my phone to see that Isabella was right and that I had forgotten that we were even at school. I hurriedly grabbed my backpack and opened the backseat door, getting out.

Before I closed the door, Isabella spoke.

"Follow through with plan, sweetheart."

I didn't respond and just gave her a tight-lipped smile, nodding my head. I closed the door and walked to meet up with Imani, who I assumed was already inside.

I'm not blindly trusting Isabella's words for anything. So that night she proposed the plan of getting close to Soren, I already had my own reason.

I do want to know if this new change in him is permanent. While also wanting to know the truth about everything, all the reason he tormented me.

As I walked into the school and made it to my locker, I saw Soren at the far end. Reid and him were laughing about something before they both stopped and walked their separate ways.

Soren was walking this way and I turned my head, not wanting him to know I was staring at him but was too late. We made eye contact as I was turning my head. I quickly grabbed my stuff from my classes, closed my locker, and walked to my art class.

I passed by him quickly, not sparing him a glance and not even replying to his,


I made it into the class as the bell rang and made my way to my seat, sitting down. I couldn't face it right now, I just needed some time to think.

The classroom was loud as everyone around me spoke to each other. I didn't even bother to try to insert myself as they already didn't like me.

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