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Here we go, enjoy reading <3

A cute little kitty in a dense forest is trying to save it's life because a dangerous animal is chasing it. Soon, everything around it becomes dark.


Meanwhile, on the other side.

In an elegant cottage, an old lady in her 50s is sadly sitting in the living room with the broken

gifts that she bought for her granddaughter as a present for her 8th b'day which is tomorrow.

It's already midnight and no shops are open at this hour. The old lady didn't know what else to do and she fell asleep while thinking of finding a solution.


The next morning, after she awakened, she stepped onto something soft like a mattress beside her. Heard "Meow" in a low pitch. The old lady notices a kitty, a female one.

"Oo..I'm sorry you little one, how did you end up here? Huh! Look how dirty you are. Come, Grandma will help you clean up." The old lady picked a kitty up, she gave it a bath which it silently accepted without protesting.

She then placed the kitty on the pillow and fed it. The door opens, her granddaughter runs into her arms and stops in her tracks on seeing the cute little kitty that's sleeping peacefully in her grandma's room.

"Wow, grandma. Is this the gift you bought for me?"

"Do you like her?" Grandma asked, nervously.

"Yes, she is so adorable." Her granddaughter replied cheerfully, stroking the kitty's fur...as a response, she heard it purring out of pleasure, half sleepily.

"*Giggles* I love her, grandma. Thank you for it, this is the best gift I've ever received."

"Happy to know it, now go wash your hands and come, grandma made your favourite

snacks for you to eat."

"Ok grandma."

When her granddaughter returns, she hears the noise of utensils in the kitchen shattering and goes there to find her grandma sitting on the floor, holding her chest, she feels hard to breathe.

"Grandma! What happened to you?"

She held her grandma, panicked and tried getting answers from her.

"I... I'm sorry, Fr..Freen."

"No, grandma. What did you do? Why are you apologising to me?" The little Freen asked with watery eyes and voice slowly breaking down.

"Can you promise me something, my child?"


"Be a good girl. Take good care of yourself, the kitty and don't leave her ok."

As little Freen promised, her grandma died.


After her grandma's death Freen became a cold hearted person and was not in talking terms with others.

She mostly spends her time pampering and talking with the kitty her grandma presented.

Her parents hated it and wanted to separate the two, by doing so they thought Freen would become normal.


One day when Freen leaves school, her parents take the kitty and give it to someone unknown and far away from the reach. Freen went crazy on knowing it

She locked herself inside the room and didn't eat nor drink anything for days.
Her health became worse and she hurt her physically. She left the wounds untreated to get infected.

Later, she was taken to the hospital and treated but he has a high fever which does not seem to be cured maybe... until her kitty comes because she keeps repeating the same thing and it's "Becky" the name of her kitty.

The parents have no other options so they get Becky back and place her beside their daughter's weakened body, expecting her to open her eyes.

"Meow, meowwww, meowwwww" Kitty Becky crawls over Freen's chest and sheds tears, softly keeping its claws on its owner's cheeks...brings Freen back to her full consciousness and stronger.

"B.. Becky! When did you come back? Do you know how much I missed you? Did you miss me? I know you missed me as well, look how pale you are. Don't worry, I will feed you once we will reach home, ok." Freen said, hugging her kitty Becky tightly towards her chest and shower it with kisses.

Kitty Becky purrs, its tail held high. Happy!
Freen's parents are happy but guilty at the same time for what they did and apologise for it and even accept kitty Becky as their own kid...all then went home together, done with check-up and formalities in the hospital.

The same night, FreenBecky ate until their stomachs were full and slept at soul peace, cuddling one another.


Other side

In some random place. A 12 years old girl returns home from her school and excitedly went to the room where she left her kitty. To her shock it's not there...she panicked and started looking for it, calling out its name but no use. It is nowhere to be found, that's when her dad comes and explains the situation.

"No, I want the kitty back. It's mine, now. You shouldn't have given it back to them and that too in my absence. Aren't they one who abandoned and gave it to you?"

"But not their daughter...the kitty needs her as well. You know it too and how the kitty was when it's here. It remained silent, didn't eat nor drink anything and got sick but when I returned it to that kid, it became happy and was totally changed. Dad will buy you a new cat, ok."

"No! I only want Becky, Becky alone and nothing else... You always think about others feelings but not mine, your own daughter's. I hate you, I hate you very much, dad. I won't talk with you anymore and I don't want to even see your face. Damn!" She said coldly and left the house, slamming the door.

Will continue...

My girlfriend is a cat {Completed}✓Where stories live. Discover now