"Same Thing/Napped"

36 1 0

School - Lunchtime


Lucas - "Hi Max."

Max - "Hi Lucas."

Lucas - "Why are you sitting by yourself?"

Max - "....My step brother, Billy died last month and when ever someone brings it up or tries to bring it up, I move away from them."

Lucas - "I'm really sorry."

Max - "Thank you."

Lucas - "Can I tell you something?"

Max - "Sure."

Lucas - "My dad died last year in a shooting accident."

Max - "Oh, my God. I'm really sorry."

Lucas - "Thank you."

Max - "You're welcome."

Lucas - "I guess we're both going through the same thing."

Max - "I guess we are."

Lucas - "Do you want me to give you another ride home after school today?"

Max - "Yes. I would like that really much. Thank you."

Lucas - "You're welcome."


(Explosion/Knocked Out)

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