Chapter 1

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I smoothed down the front of my white angelic dress as I patiently waited for my camera group to come back from their lunch break.

Normally, they'd escort me here but today I didn't feel hungry. Nothing stood out to me, not even my favourite meal.

"Afternoon Alyssa! The food was delicious you will regret not coming with us" My manager greeted me pulling me into a hug before stepping away.

"Afternoon" I chuckled glancing at the crew as they set the lights up and cameras.

"Iris where's the stylists?" I heard my manager, Sophie, say with slight panic as she feathered my hair.

"Right here Soph!" The two stylists said in unison running up to me, placing jewellery on me and makeup.

Sophia let out a sigh of relief as she headed back behind the cameras on the set, soon followed the stylists.

To the right, Leo the agency I was currently working with snapped his finger hinting to me to get into position. I followed.

I took my seat against the black set, my white dress contrasting it, placing my hair over my shoulder with a smile plastered on my face and a wink of the eye as the flash went off.

This went on for around half an hour with different poses until my manager said I was done, my breathing slowed as I began to relax laying on the bed on set unbothered to move.

The girls giggled from behind, the tourists who paid to come see me and behind the scenes of modelling. I waved at them, only to be met with a high pitched squeal of excitement to which I laughed at.

"Alyssa! Baby! Oh, I've missed you!" Aurora, my best friend, squealed down my ear jumping onto me like a cat hunting it's prey.

I let out a shaky breath at the sudden weight.
"You couldn't of done it later when I was not so relaxed?" I huffed.

"That's mean! I come to tell you I've missed you and you shut me down.." She pretended to fake cry forcing me to wrap my arms around her as she lay on top.

"There, there, child.." My voice whispered as I patted her as if she wasn't older than me by two years.

It's been two months already since her birthday, and yet she still hasn't learned to grow up. It was funny though. We matched personalities to an extent, not taste tho. She liked women, I liked men.

Usually, we'd lay here for ages on set but it was soon disrupted to a group of people flinging the door open with a bang and walking in. Heels clattering against the floor as gasps of shock echoed through the room.

I turned my attention to the sudden appearance.

A tall woman with chestnut hair and dark glasses you'd usually see on a beach stared at me, her eyebrow raised before speaking to my manager. She looked like a goddess.

"Sorry but she's currently in an agency alrea.." my manager went to say until she was cut off by the harsh cut of the woman's voice.

"I won't take no for an answer. She's the specimen I've been looking for, to show off my products. She's the only one. I want." The woman said coldly, pointing towards me.

"Fine. We better get something good out of it, Mrs Hastings" Sophie scoffed.

With that response, Mrs Hastings made her way over to me her heels hitting the floor so loud it could of started an avalanche in the mountains. She came to a halt In front of me as Aurora climbed off.

"Ah, I was right. Then again, I always am. You're quite the specimen. Such beautiful eyes with such submission potential, perfect lips any woman or man would desire to kiss.. the body.. I can't say much until the clothes are off." Mrs Hastings smirked, as her hand caressed my jaw, her eyes staring into mine. I couldn't read her, they looked so daunting yet so attractive.

Pulling myself out of my thoughts.

I hit her hand away with a humorous laugh,
"unfortunately you have the wrong idea, Miss?" I begun.


"Mrs Hastings. Hah, never heard of it. Anyway, I will not allow such a woman who waltzers in here like she owns the place to take me away and model some products, there's something called manners. You should know that judging by your looks and potential age" I blurted out. I don't know where the confidence had come from but I knew for a fact it wouldn't last long.

Immediately at what I just said, I felt her hand roughly push me against the mattress as her hands connected with mine.

"Listen. I am not one who likes to be disrespected, little girl. You will do it, and if you don't.. you'll find out the consequences" Her breath hovering against my neck, causing me to twitch under her touch.

I swallowed back the knot, and nodded anxiously. I was never good with such intimate moments with someone, or even if it wasn't intimate just even getting too close. The situation made me just want to crawl in a hole and stay there.

"Good girl. Here's my card, I'll see you tomorrow at my studio. It's on the 45th floor." She whispered handing me her business card, taking her leave.

As her presence vanished out of sight everyone turned to look at me shocked.

"Girl you just got chosen by THE Hastings. That's a big deal. She's the CEO of practically every wealthy company worldwide!" Aurora squealed down my ear.

"CEO? Oh shit. I've fucked up right?" I sighed in shame.

"Probably not, she clearly thinks you have potential for her agency. Try it out, if you don't like it I'll send a SWAT team to definitely come get you" Sophia walked up towards us, clearly hearing the conversation.

"I'll try, but if she's a cocky bitch like today I want no part in it"

"Then you have a long way ahead of you" Sophie chuckled with amusement followed by a playful nudge to my shoulder.

I placed my bags down in my house as my dog greeted me at the door with an excited wag of her tail.

"Hey girl, how was your day? Oh damn, you look rough" My housemate Raya gasped in shock, sliding a glass of wine down the table to me.

"You could say it was eventful, or terrifying. Both are the same" I replied, taking a long sip of the wine.

"Who hurt you? Was it Sophie? I'll kill her." Raya grabbed a knife messing around.

My hands held my head.

"No not her. A crazy woman who calls herself Miss Hastings waltzed into the studio, and ordered for me to model products with her tomorrow."

Raya frowned and crossed her arms.

"Did you go along with it?"

"How could I not!? She practically sex positioned me and towered over me like some sort of 8 foot monster, threatening me" I rolled my eyes grabbing some chocolate out of the cupboard.


"Shut up. It's not even funny. Besides I don't even like women so why would I find it kinky!" I ranted hitting the counter with anger.

"Okay well I say play her game, and come out with victory. Play her own cards against her"

"You think I could do that? The second I'm now going to be in that woman's presence, I'm going to be such a horrified mess." A groan left my lips.

"You can do this. Trust me, you'll get through this and take that woman off her high horse. Maybe get in bed with her too" Raya winked at me.

I kicked her in the leg, walking past her and up the stairs to my bed where the cold sheets awaited me to slumber.

Authors Note:

Praying this wasn't too bad of a chapter! I tried. Personally I can't even wait to see what I put in next.

Contact me on snap whenever! Love you lovelies

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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