About the book and author

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Hey so in this book you're going to find tips on how to get your dream body or how to get better mental health or tiny steps you could take along the way to better yourself and your life my name is Keith I have struggled with mental health anxiety for a few years I don't have the best past but I've been working on myself to get better in this book you're going to find multiple tips just so you know I'm not a professional but if you want to try these tips out or if you have tips of your own that you would like to add into this book just let me know you could comment since p.m.'s are getting removed 

But yeah so if you want to get to know me better just go ahead and look into my bio book but that's basically it and also please for fair warning I know there are multiple minors on this app no matter what take care of yourself and these are actual tips that are scientifically proven that are recommended etc so please for the love of God if you want to get a better body there are age recommended workouts that you can do but don't starve yourself don't dehydrate yourself that's only going to do worse things for your body and for mental health don't push it down there are again tips that are proven to help and just remember you're never alone there are many people that feel like this and there are many people that don't know that they're not alone 

Many teenagers and minors nowadays even adults as well struggle with their mental health so just know that if anything you're not alone and it will get better I know you may get so tired of hearing that it'll get better but truly it does have someone who hasn't had many friends and siblings that have had bad mental health and gotten through it I trust me I know from personal experience there is always light to them the tunnel all you have to do is keep on trying and of course there are many ways you can reach out to other people in case you need to do that 

And as I stated upon earlier in this book there will be tips on mental health and they're also be tips on many mental health casualties that include eating disorders self-harm suicide etc they're also be tips on how to grieve with certain things there will be tips on workouts again I'm only human I'm not a professional and this book is mainly for the purpose that it's a journey it's a long and hard journey to get better but once you reach them your journey it'll be completely worth it 

For minors and many others please be cautious of the trigger warnings for there are chapters where it is going to be a bit sensitive course there's not going to be any graphic things and of course no sexual content tips either this is simply just make your life better so yeah thank you and I hope you enjoy this book and please don't push for updates updates will be timely and they will be hopefully a week back to back if it takes longer I apologize but again I merely human and I still have my school and personal life 

Thank you and have an amazing day.

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