Spells and Fist Fights

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Legolas pov

"Edoras and the Golden hall of Meduseld. There dwells Theoden, king of Rohan, whose mind is overthrown. Saruman's hold over the king is very strong. Be careful what you say. Do not look for welcome here." Gandalf warned us as the golden hall came into view, late in the afternoon. The city looked devoid of any life, as if a dark cloud was hanging over it, sucking the life out of all beings. I drew my horse closer to Ayla's as we approached, worried that our unwelcome arrival will turn aggressive.

After what happened in the woods, I could not risk her passing out again. I was still battling with my emotions regarding her actions recently. The weight on my chest had increased with anxiety. I understood why she gave her crystal away to the hobbit. She had always been protective and nurturing to them since she met them, almost bordering motherly. There is no doubt in my mind that she would have torn her own limbs off to ward evil away from their small bodies. But with the prophecy from Galadriel beating us down with such horrific visions, I can not let go of my feeling of anger towards her, for giving away something of her own that could of helped to protect her in the long run. Yet another reason to worry.

She was looking up towards our destination with a solemn look on her beautiful face, as she subconsciously rubbed her horse's neck in small circles as she rode. Her posture was hunched over slightly, her eyebrows drew together, and her lips were pursed. Her thoughts must be as dark as my own. Though I knew there was something else. Something else pulling her energy and focus since the battle with the Uruk-hai. "It is not just a shard of the Hûn en Eryn. But it has stored a piece of your soul" Gandalf's words ran circles in my head. The damn crystal holds a part of her, and now they had been torn apart for the first time. Ayla had no clue about this fact, I know, but now it has put her in danger.

She arched her back, to stretch. She seemed in a fair amount of discomfort. Without realising my body even moving, reached over and placed my palm on the small of her back. Her face snapped to look at mine, surprize coloured her face. Then her mouth curled into a slight, warm smile and her eyes lightened. I realised she expects my words and actions to be harsh towards her, especially after my words in Fangorn. My heart constricted, she was on the defence from me. She worried that she had upset me. I smiled back at her as best as I could, and her eyes seemed to relax more and then turned her attention back to our destination. I must talk to her soon or else these unspoken thoughts and emotions would drive us apart. As we passed the villagers, they eyed us with obvious distrust. No children ran about playing games of their imaginations, the women went about their tasks lifelessly as if their feet were chained to the ground and the men seemed like they had no purpose in life, no fire for the day behind their eyes. "You'll find more cheer in a graveyard" Gimli grumbled from behind me.

We dismounted our horses and climbed the steps to the top of the hill. There was a number of guards outside the hall waiting for us. "I cannot allow you before Theoden king so armed, Gandalf Greyhame. By order of Grima Wormtongue" the head solider ordered us, with distain in his voice as he mentioned where the order came from. Gandalf nodded to him in understanding and nodded to us to obey the guards order. There was an attack planned once we entered the hall, you could sense it in the air. Once we were completely disarmed Gandalf made to enter and was stopped once again. "Your staff" he gestures to Gandalf. Gandalf looked at him confused for a moment and then realised what he was referring to. "Hmmm. Oh! You would not part an old man from his walking stick" Gandalf crooned innocently. The guard hesitated for a moment then gestured for us to follow him. Gandalf hooked his arm around mine, feigning old age frailty.

The hall was magnificent, the floors were designed with many beautiful colours and patterns, huge pillars covered in equestrian artwork and gold leaf. Banners and tapestry's covered most of the walls. At the head of the hall was a large throne, which was adorned with carvings of horses. Sat on the throne though was sight that did not match the majesty of the hall. There the king sat, swamped in heavy brown and gold furs, his posture was that of an extremely sick elderly man, his skin almost translucent. A crown sat upon his head, though he did not look to have the energy to raise his head without great effort. The most sickly thing about the whole scene though was a slimy looking dark haired man whispering in the kings ear. "The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessoned of late, Theoden King" Gandalf's booming voice reached the far corners of the hall. As we slowly made our way to the front of the hall a group of men mirrored our steps with hostility. "Why should I welcome you Gandalf Stormcrow" the king says weakly, and looks back to the leach on his right. The man nodded to the king and stood to advance towards us. "A just question, my liege. Late is the hour in which the conjurer chooses to appear. Lathspell I name him. Ill news is an ill guest" he spoke snottily, as if he were the master here.

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