Do NOT call me princess

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All elvish will be in italics and underlined.

Ayla's PoV
Theodred's funeral was as beautiful, as it was sorrowful. It was worthy of a King of Rohan, as was his bloodline. It had only been yesterday that he was buried in a tomb covered in white flowers called simbelmyn's. Yet again, at the hands of orcs, a young man's life is taken. We were currently in the throne room. I sat at one of the bench's snacking on cheese and crackers with Gimli. Two children had arrived on horseback this morning, fleeing an orc attack in their village. "They had no warning. They were unarmed. Now the wild men are moving through the west fold, burning as they go. Rick, cot and tree." Eoywn addressed the king as she tended to the children.

The king looked beaten down. The full scale of the devastation Saruman had caused while the king was under his spell was revealed to him by the hour. Rohan was in dire straits, with little options to take. "This is but a taste of the terror that Saruman will unleash. All the more potent for now he is driven by fear of Sauron. Ride out and meet them head on. Draw him away from the women and children. You must fight!" Gandalf had been advising the king since Grima left. The king however, has thus far seemed wary of everything he had been told.

Aragorn was perched at the end of our bench smoking his pipe as he addressed the king. "You have two thousand good men riding north as we speak. Eomer is loyal to you. His men will return and fight for their king." Theoden threw his arms into the air in frustration, "they will be three hundred leagues from here by now. Eomer cannot help us. I know what it is you want from me. But i will not bring further death to my people. I will not risk open war".

My eyes were glued to the interaction along with Gimli. Gimli offered me some more crackers and cheese and I gave him my dried meats. Legolas met my eyes from across the room, his eyes darted up to the king and back to me, showing his frustration without speaking. I just raised one of my eyebrows and shrugged my shoulders slightly. This was not my battle to fight, nor do I wish to insert myself. "Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not" the ranger challenging the king, which did not smooth over well. "When last I looked. Theoden, not Aragorn, was king of Rohan". Just as the tension rose, Gimli interrupted it by burping loudly after taking a large gulp from his tankard of ale. I just smiled down at him and began patting his back lightly. "The what is the kings decision?" Gandalf implored.


I sat on the front steps of the hall, watching the villagers and soldiers prepare to travel to their refuge in Helms Deep. Gandalf had left not too long ago, to search for Eomer and his men in hopes that with their numbers, there maybe a chance of victory. I decided to sharpen my sword while I waited. If war was coming, no matter the odds, I would be ready.

"It is an encouraging thing, to see a woman hold a blade as confidently as you do." I looked over my shoulder and was met with Eoywn's green eyes, she held a basket under her arm laiden with blankets. "Tis nothing out of the ordinary for me, Lady Eowyn. Do you need some help with that?" I gestured to the load she carried. "Nay, tis not heavy. Judging by your armour, my lady, this weapon is no decoration. I overheard Lord Aragorn talking to the king. He said you are a warrior elf."

I held out my sword and admired it with her. "Tis true. I am an Ohtar elf, we are known for our battle savvy skills. My blade skills far outweigh any other skill I posses" I placed my sword back in its scabbard and stood to face her. "We have a similar belief here. We call them shildmaidens, I learned how to use a sword in my youth. Though I am not permitted to follow the men into battle" her face hardened and she looked down to where the villagers were still busy gathering their belongings. "The horrors of battle are not somthing I wish to see, but to protect what I love most, it is the price I pay."

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