VI - Helicopter Boy

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There was shouting as everybody ran to the center of the camp, striking Jo's attention.

She followed the voices until she saw a pissed-looking Shane yelling down a CV radio whilst rubbing the back of his neck.

"Man, what do you expect us to do?" T-dogs distorted voice yelled from the other end.

"How much ammo d'you have?" Shane bit his tounge.

"Not enough, Shane we need help. Oh Shi-"

The static radio cut off. The lousy signal was to lousy.

For atleast a minute the camp sat in pure silence, nobody daring to twitch a muscle.

"Shane what do we do?" Dale glanced at the younger man.

He just stared into space.

Amy stepped towards them, her eyes slowly glazing with tears, "We need to go help them, right?" She sniffled, "Shane?"

"No, we can't risk it. They were surrounded, they're probably dead all ready. Did you not hear the panic in T-dogs voice."

"But my sister is there" Amy scoffed at Shanes remark.

"Yeah, and my friends are there" He said, finalising his decision before storming off.


Nobody had talked much for the last couple of hours the only movement was when people rushed to answer the tadio after somebody entering the city attempted to make contact. But to no avail, he was probably dead, just like the camp had assumed their people were.

Shane had gone off in a rage somewhere, Daryl was still gone. They were all just, waiting.


Meanwhile on the other side if the overrun city Merle sat handcuffed to the roof of a department store and Glenn threw-up in the loading bay.

"Shit, that stinks" Glenn gagged as he smeared the walker blood over himself.

"Ready?" Rick, the man from the radio, asked him.

The two men, both stained with the blood of the dead, opened the door and slid out of the building, joining into the crowd of the dead.

Their plans were workin, until a rain-drop hit the pizza-delivery boy on the cheek, pulling a streak of blood with it.


"It's raining" Amy sighed from the cover of the trees, "Do you think my sister and your uncle are still alive, and the others?"

Jo just loojwd at her. The two girls suddenly threw their hands over their ears as a shrill noise filled the air in perfectly timed beats.

In the distance a red sports car sped down the rocky, narrow cliff roads, emitting the ear-puncturing sound, following closely behind that was a delivery van.

The red car skidded to a halt by the rv and Glenn hopped out, giving a happy grin.

"Turn it off! Turn it off" People yelled, but Glenn couldn't properly hear them.

Shane ran over and popped the hood, pulling out the alarm wire.

Then the van followed behind.

Shane gave Glenn an annyoed look before dhaking his hwad and walking towards the van.

Glenn looked at everyone's annoyed faces, "What?"

"Andrea!" Amy yelled and ran towards her sister who had just jumped out if the van, making Jo smile slightly.

"How did you guys get out?" Shane wondered as he looked around all the happy, reunited people.

"New guy" Said Morales, "Hey helicopter boy"

Responding to his new nickname, sonebody walked from the back of the van, his hands on his hips, Flaunting his clean sherrif uniform.

Published Wednesday 1st May 2024.

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