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You come back from art class feeling a little deflated.

No reason why, because it's always nice to see Uncle Giran and there's not usually any pressure aside from the pressure you put on yourself to try and impress everyone enough to convince them to put you in art school... But you were pretty sure if you wanted it enough, Dabi and Tomura would find a way to put you in it anyway.

The second you walk in the door, you can hear the padding of Clouds feet rapidly approaching you.

"Hi." You say, picking him up and burying your face in his fur.

He mewls and gives a weird little chirrup in return, not making a fuss when you nuzzle your face deeper into his fur.
It was weird for neither of your parents to come and greet you at the door, and you couldn't hear their music coming from their bedroom that would usually suggest they didn't hear you coming in.

"Dads?" You call curiously.

"In here, Starlight." Tomura replies from the living area.

You walk into the open plan living room and kitchen, finding your dads sitting on the couch, Dabi sitting leaning forward with his face in his hands, and Tomura petting his hair, giving you a warning look as you walk into the room.
You look at Dabi, taking in the thousand yard stare as he stares ahead of himself, and then back at Tomura.

"How was class?" He asks, rubbing Dabi's back like he's not visibly... having a moment.

"It was alright. Uncle Giran said that I might be able to get a short term internship with Aiko, but drawing clothes is hard." You say, and then look at Dabi again. "Dad, are you okay...?"

"Yeah, fine." He lies, running a hand through his hair.

Tomura deadpans at him, probably because it was a terrible lie, but Dabi's too much in his own head to notice.

"His sister's hired a private eye, found where we live and sent him a letter." Tomura explains.

"Oh! 'Yumi?" You ask, spotting the slip of paper on the table. "Can I-"

"Fuyumi." Tomura corrects. "If you end up meeting her-"

"No." Dabi says.

"What? Why?" You ask, offended.

Dabi picks up the letter and leaves the room without another word, his hand running through his messy hair.
You watch, still clinging onto Cloud even though he's wiggling and trying to chase after Dabi.

"Let him go, Star." Tomura encourages. "Touya needs him right now."

You pout, but put Cloud on the floor gently, the tri-coloured cat bolting for Dabi.
It was always weird how he always seemed to know when people needed a cuddle most.

"Come and help me make dinner." Tomura orders, getting up and placing his hand on your head briefly.

"But I wanna meet Fuyumi!" You insist as you follow behind him.

"It's up to your dad." Tomura replies simply, setting up the chopping board for you.

"Why's he being weird about it?" You ask sourly. "He misses them, he used to say their names and talk about them all the time."

"Well, he did kill their dad, Star." Tomura reminds you bluntly.

"He was horrid to them all anyway." You murmur as you begin cutting vegetables beside Tomura.

"Yes, but they're still allowed to be upset about it." Tomura leads gently. "People sometimes love their abusers for a long time, even if they know what happened to them was wrong."

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