First Ever Argument

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"Babe, c'mon."

"We're not doing this here." Is the curt response from Tomura as keys loudly fall into the bowl outside your front door.

You probably shouldn't have waited up to make sure they both got home okay, it was late, about two a.m., and Tomura had woken you up leaving the house to go and collect Dabi.
You approach your door quietly, listening in on their conversation through the wood.

"I was just being friendly." Dabi defends.

"Friendly." Tomura deadpans.


"Do what you were doing with Toga next time you see her then." Tomura says, his tone indicating that he already knows Dabi won't do whatever he's suggested.

"Don't be weird, Toga's like a little sis."

"If you wouldn't do it to Toga, then it wasn't just friendly." Tomura sneers. "Just go to bed, you're pissing me off."

"Good idea babe." You hear Dabi reply, his voice sounding muffled. "Come on."

"If you don't get your hands off of me in the next five seconds-"

There's the sound of scuffling and Cloud hops off the bed to join you at the door, pawing at it gently.


"Keep your voice down." You hear Tomura hiss, your other dad sounding very tested for patience now. "You'll wake her up. Just get on the couch and stay there."

"Don't be such a dick about this." You hear Dabi finally snap. "I don't even really like girls."

"Stop. Talking." Is the simple response from Tomura as he clearly passes your door.

"Tomura." Dabi sighs, also passing your door. "Ten!"

A door slams louder than usual, and you hear a loud thump closely after it, followed by a growl of annoyance.

"That hurt!" Dabi shouts.

Cloud then begins to start yowling as he paws at the door, and you freeze, scurrying off to your bed as quietly as possible the second you hear footsteps approaching your door again.
The door opens quietly, and Dabi hisses at Cloud to be quiet at the same time the calico darts past him to venture off into the apartment.

"Dad?" You ask, your voice a little shaky.

He must think you had a nightmare instead of hearing their argument because the slurred 'Starshine' you get in response is filled with concern.
He takes heavy steps towards your bed before ungracefully getting onto his knees, folding his arms over the edge of the mattress and resting his gnarled chin where they overlap, his eyes practically glowing even in the dark.

"Bad dream, darlin' girl?" He asks, his voice extra gravelly.

"I had a dream you and 'Mura were fighting." You lie, reaching for his metal hand, which he wraps around yours.

"Baby girl." He sighs, resting his head on the bed next to yours. "Get back ta sleep, s' late."

"You won't break up, right?" You ask, the dark not helping you read his facial expressions.

"'Course not, darlin'. He's my person." Dabi sighs. "Even f' I'm useless."

"You're not useless." You reassure him, pausing for a minute when you hear him sniff a little in the dark. "Can you stay with me tonight?"

"You sure you're not gettin' too old to be spendin' the night with your old man?" Dabi asks.

"I want to." You say, moving out of the way so he can climb on.

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