1-Malfoy's nice now?

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"Wake up y/n we're leaving for Hogwarts soon." My brother says shaking me awake. "No give me 10 more minutes." I argue. "No last time you said that you made us all late so get up." "Ugh fine I'm up, God Theo calm down." I say annoyingly and hop out of bed. "I'm going back down stairs, mom made crepes, and dad had to leave early because of some work thing at the ministry." "Oh okay I'll be down in a second."

After Theo runs down the stairs, I walk into my bathroom to get ready. As I get ready I think about what my third year at Hogwarts will be like. Theo, Blaise, Pansy, and I are all Slytherins and in third year except my brother Theo, he's a fourth year. My mother (Lilith) is the only parent I really see. My father (Tiberius) always has work to do at the ministry but I have a different theory. I think he might be a death eater working for Voldemort or something since we are a pureblood family and we see the Malfoy's a lot.

After i finish getting ready I rush down stairs and eat some of the crepes my mother made for me and Theo. I then head back upstairs and change out of my pajamas and into some white pants with my green long sleeved crop top and my converse. I then put on my necklace quickly and look in the mirror and put my long curtain bangs into braids.

 I then put on my necklace quickly and look in the mirror and put my long curtain bangs into braids

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I then hear my mother yell "Y/n sweetie are you ready we have to go now!" "Yah coming!" I say and rush down stairs with my bags over to my mother and Theo. "Okay ready?" she says and me and Theo both nod yes. She then grabs our hands and apparates us to platform 9 3/4.

"Are you sure you two have everything?" my mother asks us. "I'm pretty sure I do" Theo says. "Yah me too." "Alright I'll see you two on Christmas break, I love you." she says and hugs us both at the same time. "Love you too mom, bye." Theo says and walks onto the train. "Bye mom I'll miss you so much." I say and she kisses me on the cheek. "I'll miss you too honey bye." she says and waves to me as I drag me luggage behind me walking onto the train.

I then go find Theo sitting with Pansy in a compartment. "Hey Pansy" I say and hug her before sitting down across from Theo. "Hi y/n, I missed you so much. How was your guys summer?" She asks. "It was so boring without you there, and Draco was over a lot because him and Theo we're hanging out which was annoying." I say and Theo glares at me and says " You know I'm right here y/n." I then just roll my eyes at him. "How was your summer Pans?" I say. It was fine but also boring since you guys weren't there. Hey have any of you guys seen Blaise anywhere?" Pansy says and a tall boy walk into our compartment and sits down next to me.

"Hey guys I've been looking for you." Blaise says and walks in and sits next to me. "Hey Blaise. We were wondering where you were too." I say. "Hey" Pansy and Theo say in unison. After we all catch up about our summer we stay silent and do our own thing so I pull out the current book I'm reading, (your fav book). A few minutes later I stop reading and zone out looking outside the window.

After awhile of being on the train Pansy breaks the silence and says "Hey guys we should change into our robes, we'll probably be at Hogwarts soon. "Yah, I'll go first." I say and walk out of the compartment and to the bathroom with my robes in my hands. On my way to the bathroom I bump into a certain blond, Draco Malfoy. His hair wasn't slicked back anymore and he was much taller than he was before, maybe 4 inches taller than me.

"Oh sorry y/n, I didn't see you." He says and I give him a sarcastic smile and continue walking the way I was when I feel a hand grab a hold of my shoulder. I then turn around and face him again. "What?" I say and shove his hand off me. "Why do you hate me so much?" He asks. "Why do you hate me so much?" I say.  He then doesn't say anything and I roll my eyes at him and walk to the bathroom at the end of the train. Thinking about why Draco was being so nice to me.

Draco has always been rude to me since we first met so it was weird he was being so nice. I always had to see him though since his family is friends with my family. I just hated him because he hated me for no reason. He honestly just hated everyone except for Blaise, Theo, and Pansy. But of course he hated me until now. Maybe he just matured and stoped acting like a child. And definitely not because I look better than I did because I had my glow up in second year.

After I got changed into my robes I walked back to my compartment and sat back down in the corner next to Blaise. "What took so long y/n?" Theo asks. (they are already in there robes btw) "Your annoying friend Draco bumped into me and was trying to be nice to me for some reason." I said. "He's not annoying and he's always nice to you, calm down." He says and I reply. "He is rude to me actually and I don't even know why you guys are friends with him." "Well he was trying to be nice to you." Blaise mumbles to himself. "What Blaise?" "Nothing." He says quickly and looks down at his hands. 

The train then comes to a stop and us four get off after everyone else. And we see the huge castle we've all missed so much. 

1041 words

May 1, 2024

A/N I would love to hear your guy's suggestions for the story so feel free to comment on the chapters.

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