Chapter 9

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"Where is that fucking bathroom?" I grumbled to myself as I walked through the halls, my eyes swimming as I tried to find the bathroom with the medicine cabinet so I could get Advil for her. This house was a maze; even though I ran after her right after she threw up, it still took me an hour to find her, stumbling through the laughing crowds, rushing through the never-ending hallways, desperately looking in every room, even texting her to ask where she went, though she doesn't know my number. But when I had finally found her, sitting there on the floor with her back against the bed, I felt relieved; until I saw her tears. My stomach dropped, and I was overwhelmed with guilt as it rushed all over me like a wave hitting the shore. That whole fiasco would have never happened if I had just stepped in. But I didn't, like the dumbass that I am. I let Natalia embarrass herself - and Amica. It was my fault. I should've kept a better eye on Natalia, not let her drink so much, I should've brought her down from that table when I had the chance. I should've-

My train of thought came to a halt as I stopped myself in front of the bathroom door. Not bothering to knock, I reached for the handle, turning it, I stepped inside and-


Oh shit.

I saw in front of me the shapes of two people making out, the guy grinding up on her as she sat on the toilet seat. I stood there, staring blankly, blinking slowly - they didn't seem to notice I was there.

I need some fucking bleach.

I cleared my throat, hoping to get their attention. The guy's head snapped up. The face belonged to none other than Henry fucking Cooper. He pushed his small oval glasses up the big bridge of his nose and pushed back his unevenly cut bangs. Henry was the last person I expected to see making out with a girl. He was a pervert - everyone knew that. He's gotten detention multiple times for watching porn in class. I must admit, he has some balls to do something as dumb as that. And I've heard from people he licks his lips whenever a girl wears a crop top or tank top around school. So yeah, not very popular with the ladies. Like at all. Even the most desperate girls would never willingly sleep with him. His eyebrows rose, and his Adam's apple bobbed. He looked like he had been caught red-handed doing something he was not supposed to.

"Hey, sorry man, didn't mean to interrupt," I awkwardly said, holding my hands defensively as I turned away to the mirror, popping open the medicine cabinet.

"I- I thought I had locked the door," He creaked, his voice strained and full of voice cracks. I glanced over at him with an eyebrow up. He ran his hand through his rough hair. I did realize at the moment it was none of my business, but I couldn't help being a little curious to see who in their right mind would be okay with Cooper grinding up on them. I glanced at the girl sitting on the seat; Cooper crept over her as if to hide her. Her bright blue eyes were staring off somewhere over his head, she looked out of it, and then my breath caught in my throat when I realized.

"Is that Lily?" I asked. But it was more demanding of an answer than asking for one. He flinched, then loomed over her more, shielding her face.

"W-What? No," He spat.

"I'm about 98 percent sure that's-"

"Just get out!" He hissed through his teeth. I shut the cabinet. Gripped my hands to the counter.

"Nah," I replied. "I don't think so, buddy."

"Look, I don't know what your problem is, Maxwell, but stop poking your nose into other people's business." He snarled, his face turning a hot red. I pushed my hands off the counter. Stepped closer.

"Sorry, but, as long as I'm unaware whether she gave you consent or not, or even if you drugged her, it is my damn business." I grabbed onto the collar of his plaid button-up shirt and pulled him off her. He stumbled back a bit as I let go, and I immediately met eyes with Lily.

"Lily? Are you okay?" I asked with a hint of desperation in my voice. She brought her index fingers to her face. Rubbed her eyes. She looked up at me, her mascara all smudged.

"Who are you, fuzzy blob?" She asked, tilting her head a little too far. "Heh. Fuzzy blob." She said, then poked my knees. I groaned and ran a hand over my face.

"She's completely wasted Henry," I shook my head. Her vision was so hazy, she couldn't even recognize me. "Lily, how much did you drink tonight?" I asked her softly. She giggled.

"One, two, fourteen, twenty-two," She counted, swaying her feet. "Dunno. Too many to count." She giggled. I groaned again and turned to Henry.

"She's so fucking wasted, Henry." I hissed through my teeth. "She's on the verge of passing out! How dare you take advantage of her like that?!"

"I- I didn't know," He fights back defensively. I furrowed my brows. Stepped closer. He stepped back, almost tripping on his feet.

"Didn't know, huh?" I shook my head, practically laughing at this guy. "Oh really? You didn't taste the alcohol when you had your tongue down her throat? Because I smelt it before she even opened her damn mouth. That's a fucking pathetic excuse, Henry." I spat, glaring daggers at him. "She's drunk and you're taking advantage of her because you know she wouldn't fuck you sober," I breathed right on his face. He swallowed hard. And then I slammed my fist into his nose. I probably broke his glasses, and his nose, too. I hadn't meant to punch him that hard. But I was mad. Angry. At him. And myself.

He stumbled back and fell on his butt, his hand covering his bloody nose. I turned around, picked up Lily by her waist, and hung her over my shoulder. "I hope you're happy with yourself, you sick bastard." I spat right before going out the door.

I opened the door to the backseat with one hand before setting Lily down on the seat of my truck. I pulled a seat belt over her. She was smiling at me, too much, and it made my stomach clench. I kept forgetting that I was supposed to hate this woman. And well, yeah, I still do, but I couldn't just sit there and watch as Henry practically raped her. Too many times in my life I just stood there and watched as shit unfolded around me, even today with Amica. Amica. Shit, I forgot I was giving her a ride. I checked my phone. 1:46 am. She probably left already.

"Michael," I heard Lily whisper. I glanced up from my phone and buried it back in my pocket.

"Yeah?" I answered with an eyebrow raised. She bit her bottom lip and grabbed my chin, pulling me in and planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you," She smiled. I sighed and slammed the door shut before getting into the front seat, pushing my keys in, and starting the car before driving away.

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